Friday, May 15, 2009

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Cardiovascular Surgery Bronchoscopy is essential for the diagnosis of many diseases broncho-pulmonary abscess

bronchoscopy is an endoscopic exploration, which consists in the introduction (under local anesthesia) through the trachea and bronchi , a special device, called bronchoscopy, which displays the branches to the bronchial and lobar bronchi and segmental bronchi to assess any pathological changes (bronchiectasis, neoplastic masses, and so on). Bronchoscopy is essential for the diagnosis of many diseases such as broncho-pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis , tumors, cysts, bronchopneumonia, also this technique also has a therapeutic value, the aspiration of endo-bronchial foreign bodies through a special pliers.

Friday, May 1, 2009

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The abscess is a collection of pus in a cavity only, resulting from colliquativa of affected tissue and characterized by the formation of an exudate rich in leukocytes that are responsible for engulf the invading bacteria. This process is very common, and can develop into any organ or tissue of the body (in the wound of a finger in the region due to a maxillary tooth decay) is caused by pyogenic bacteria, that is generating pus, such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, piocianeo, etc. gonococcus. Symptoms vary depending on the location: generally feel pain, redness of the surrounding area, sometimes fever. The therapy is based on specific antibiotics, local hot compresses to help the maturation of the abscess. In cases of deep abscess or not responding to antibiotic treatment may be used to emptying through a minor surgical procedure.