Monday, August 10, 2009

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Blindness can be congenital

Lack of visual power. Blindness can be congenital, due to serious deficiencies in the embryonic and fetal development, or experience-as a result of various causes of morbidity (local trauma, trachoma, gonorrhea conjunctivitis of the newborn, corneal ulcers, corneal opacities, cherotomalacia from avitaminosis A, deep burns of cornea, cataract , glaucoma, retinal detachment), or lesions of the optic nerve (atrophy, degenerative or inflammatory and infectious or toxic, cancer) and optical centers of higher (or destructive tumors compressing the visual areas) .

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Action designed to destroy biological tissue: is performed by a tool (cautery) or rendered incandescent by fire (as until recently) or by electricity (electrocautery). Used to stop bleeding, or destroy diseased tissue necrosis. The cautery was practiced even in ancient times (hot irons) in the wounds, in cases of bites of rabid dogs or poisonous snakes, in the treatment of superficial tumors or pedunculated, for the destruction of dermal nodules of lupus, warts. In many cases today is used in cauterization through the cold to destroy tissue is frozen with liquid nitrogen or dry ice (cryotherapy).

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The poultice is undoubtedly more effective than hot water bottles or electric heating pad in reducing local pain.

extemal medication use, consisting a mixture of warm flour, linseed, black mustard mixed with water that is applied on certain areas of the body: its action is identical with that of heat (antispasmodic, analgesic, revulsive). The good result is related to heat, moisture and substances used for preparation. The poultice is undoubtedly more effective than hot water bottles or electric heating pad in reducing local pain.

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phase of metabolism characterized by the degradation and elimination outside of the products of metabolism. The stage, the opposite of synthesis is called anabolism. Its task is to maintain body temperature, movement, etc.. In certain serious diseases, as septicemia, catabolism prevails (was hypercatabolism) also destroys the body's tissues. The resulting damage can lead to death.

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For castration means the removal or inactivation of the genital glands of man or woman

For castration means the removal or inactivation of the genital glands of man or woman (testes and ovaries). It can be practiced by physical means (local radiation on the ovaries or testicles with Roentgen rays) or by surgery (removal of the ovary or testis, uterus or tubal ligation of the spermatic cord). Is necessary in case of cancer, severe traumatic injury, chronic infection. Its effects vary depending on whether used before or after puberty. If before, in the female menstruation does not occur, and occur in growth disorders; you look feminine in the male, sexual organs undeveloped, childish voice. If, however, occurs after puberty, the female has only early menopause, with symptoms marked in the male only psychological effects.

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decompression sickness

acute syndrome that occurs in individuals who have a job Beneath 'special chests in water or compressed air divers or divers with air tanks. The cause is due to the fact that the nitrogen because of its high partial pressure, dissolved in adipose tissue. However, due to its relatively low solubility, it requires long periods to achieve equilibrium with the tissues. Therefore, if the too rapid decompression

form nitrogen bubbles that can cause pain in the joints and neurological symptoms (dizziness, visual disturbances, deafness, paralysis) if they originate in the central nervous system, where they can occlude blood vessels. Treatment consists of recompression and decompression in the next step.

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The vitamin deficiency and pernicious anemia are typical deficiency diseases. Cardiotonic drugs

Any disease caused by insufficient presence in the body of a specific factor necessary for the conduct of a fair and optimal organ function. Such an event may be insufficient for introduction into the body of the substance or essential elements of it (for example iron for hemoglobin formation), and an inability to produce organic substances, and finally to excessive removal of them can not be compensated by increases in their production.
The vitamin deficiency and pernicious anemia are typical deficiency diseases.

Friday, August 7, 2009

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Drugs that stimulate and improve heart function
depressed by acting on the medullary cardiovascular centers, the sympathetic nervous system
or directly on the fibers of the heart.
increase productivity without increasing accordingly
the work of the heart. In general they have an action fleeting and is therefore useful if the cardiac depression is transient, such as the collapse and unconsciousness. These drugs can be
ganglion stimulants such as nicotine or stimulants such as adrenaline funny endings
or exciting as the digital heart muscle, the caffeine is a central stimulant that also acts on the bulb.

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common symptom, which is the conscious feeling of
heartbeat that is fast or slow, regular or irregular
. Its genesis can be functional (myocardial hyperactivity) or recognize organic causes (circulatory insufficiency, paroxysmal tachycardia, fibrillation). Often, however, is
symptom of cardiac neurosis that affects individuals and psychos

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CALCITONIN Serum-calcium levels

hormone produced by thyroid parafollicular cells in response
hypercalcemia, parathyroid hormone antagonist:

reduces the plasma concentrations of calcium deposit in promoting their

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is the calcium in the blood serum. Normally if they have
9-11 mg per 100 cm 3 of serum. In pathological conditions this amount may be increased and has
osteoporosis and hypercalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, etc.. or decrease (hypoparathyroidism, tetany etc.). and you have hypocalcemia.

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Cardiovascular Surgery The surgery is a discipline that is concerned with the
surgical procedures aimed at curing the diseases of the heart and great vessels, both venous and arterial
, subject to surgical therapy: heart disease, heart failure , heart failure. In recent times
are achievable actions once unthinkable, due to the possibility of open-heart surgery with temporary halt in the heart and contemporary
hypothermia the patient receives the necessary
oxygenation through the heart-lung machine.