Friday, February 12, 2010

Can You Be Allergic To Feminine Pads?

The bacterial prostatitis are caused by the same bacteria that cause urinary tract infections; predominant strains of Escherichia coli and other intestinal bacteria, said just gut bacteria. The prostate can become infected by ascending or descending way, but also by contiguity or by lymphatic cancer, while rare hematogenously. The route of spread is the most important influence: the prostatic urethra is a sort of tank, bounded upstream and downstream from the neck vesicles by external sphincter, where it may be determined during urination, prostatic urethral reflux.

On the other hand, since the urethra is colonized so asymptomatic germ-acquired mainly by sexual contact, the reflux may cause infection of the prostate and appears to be at the basis of prostatitis iatrogenic arising after endoscopic catheters or instrumentation. The possibility that the reflux of infected urine into prostatic ducts as an important mode of infection in prostatitis has been underlined by the observation, that many wings * crystallographic analysis calculations appear to contain more substances that represented the urine in prostatic fluid. If bacteria are hidden within these concretions, can hardly be achieved by the antibacterial agents, and this justifies the therapeutic difficulties. Case favoring reflux is generally represented by lower urinary tract obstruction, congenital or acquired.

For these reasons, all patients who experience symptoms of prostatitis, you should perform a comprehensive study of the urinary tract;
could correct any anomalies often resolve the disease completely, especially in relapsing.
There are also predisposing factors or triggers that are linked to diet and lifestyle. They are not however of secondary importance in the evolution of prostatitis at the clinical level and must be taken into account. About food, certainly all the foods that promote an altered balance of intestinal flora and pelvic venous congestion leading to impact negatively on clinical prostatitis. A balanced intestinal function is very important, because we saw that the prostate is resting on the right, and separated from it by a thin fibrous lamina, so germs can easily reach the prostate this way, and altered gut microbial flora facilitates this transition (not at all the seeds are the most common entero-bacteria prostatitis).

In relation to living habits, sex life of the patient has a significant effect on prostate health, which, as we saw in the previous chapter, has a very specific physiological role in ejaculation. Therefore

all sexual excesses, but also long periods of abstinence have an impact on the prostate gland, helping his inflammation. In fact, the prostate is a gland that secretes prostatic fluid, ejaculate and fundamental component of this secretion has periodically need to escape, to avoid congestion of the gland. Of course the relationship at risk are the most dangerous, since sexually transmitted diseases can not only determine urethra, but the germs may go back even to the prostate.
A risk factor is too often overlooked by coitus interruptus: the practice, still widespread among young people, is a formidable means of spreading germs within the prostate, since the voluntary control of ejaculation (as of urination) can not occur except through the voluntary contraction of the striated sphincter, which closes downstream of the veru montanum (irrigated by the ejaculatory ducts ) urethra. Therefore the ejaculate that has already arrived prostatic urethra does not come out before the closure of the striated sphincter, but remains prostatic urethra, picking among other germs in the urethra and allowing a reflux of the latter in the prostate. Even
professions that involve prolonged sitting (as in the case of drivers, representatives, etc..) Encourage prostatitis, since lead to pelvic venous congestion.