Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sharpest Chefs Knifes

w Ferari!

Summer 2010 visit to the city of Maranello Ferrari . Exciting.
In one working day and 'fantastic the city and 'invaded by strange men red ..
pity to visit the factory must be at least customers .. in the next life. Some photographs

for my readers.

Orlando Cruising Places

artistic photos

SIGURTA, May 2009

Friday, November 26, 2010

Best Seats In Imax Movie Silvercity

The crisis does not stop the caste

The IDV calls for the abolition of parliamentary annuities. Vote on the proposal in 520: 498 against, 22 in favor. The state continues to pay more than three thousand checks totaling about 130 million per year

just two years, 6 months and a day spent in the House or the Senate to develop a life annuity. But until the nineties when one day was enough for having such a right. As in the case of Toni Negri. In 1983, the leaders of workers' power, detained for subversive association and armed insurrection against the powers of the state, Marco Pannella was included in the lists of radicals to return to freedom. Elected to Parliament, Negri took to hiding in France to take part only in the first sessions Deputies (see article). Matures, however, an annuity of more than 3 thousand euro per month who receives this day. Walter Veltroni, however, is a baby senior House of Deputies to just 51 years has been accorded a check for 9000 € per month. The figures range from a minimum of € 2,427 for a reversible nearly ten thousand euro. The former mayor of Rome has always said to pay the amount it receives in charity to the African people. The other is not known. No wonder that few are willing to do without it. Moreover there is a crisis

Monday, November 22, 2010

Ganz Magnetic Frame Letter


And after the garage for scrap el 'loft operation, here is the Garage Rock, where time and' stop, just old VW, just rock music!

Finally after so much work order has prevailed over chaos and the optimization of space has made the impossible possible.