Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why Do You Get Keratin Under Nails

Policlinico di Caserta - New question for Stella in the Regional Council.

New Hospital: Stellato (Pd) on the summit Prefecture

(November 28) New Hospital in Caserta: December 7, the expected summit in the prefecture. The regional council for Pd Joseph Stellato draws close to the workers to ask for guarantees.
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Regional Councillor Joseph Stellato presented these days in the second question on the Board question of the Policlinico di Caserta, mainly in relation to the fate of the 200 workers lost their jobs. In the previous action on November 10, questioned all parties concerned, the response was received by the Department of Health, in the person Santangelo Councillor and SUN, by the Rector Roberto Rossi, but not by the Department of Labor. The new issue is time, therefore, expressly directed to this Department for an extension of unemployment benefits.

" The issue of Hospital - says the Director - be resolved at 360 degrees, from whatever angle you look at it, considering all the implications of which we have repeatedly discussed, social, economic development, etc.. The most urgent, however, that is definitely worth a necessary response is related to the workers, who have an urgency that, unfortunately, the timing is beyond technique. "

When question time is on the agenda also will be notified and consulted the coordination of Caserta and the trade union associations that their representatives may participate again.
In order to speed up then the whole procedure preparatory to the choice of the new contracting firm, was also sent by the Director Stellato also question the Authority 'to Supervision on Contracts Public Works, Services and Supplies to know - being in the process of being contacted by the company ranking second in the ranking of the race and being the Sun waiting for a reply which will be submitted to the Board - what are the times of the Authority Compliance Committee, which as we know, is competent to give opinions regarding issues that relate to the phase the award of contracts for the employment of measures best suited to the fact.

Here is the text of ' QUESTION

Subject: "extending unemployment benefits for workers the hospital in Caserta

Agreement Program signed on 31.03.1999 for the implementation of the General Hospital of Caserta annexed to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Second University of Naples;


the contract rep No 611 of 29.12.2004 concerning the realization of the above;
the resolution of the Board with n.30 of 31.03.2009 which has been declared terminated the contract referred to;
which is currently in the process of being contacted by the company ranking second in the ranking of the race.


of Decree No 47633 of 15 October 2009 the Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare, which together with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, extending the treatment of income assistance and extraordinary mobility, in favor of workers already beneficiaries.
Noting that

Question No. January REG 508 / 2 / ARTICLE 79 Bis referred to the meeting on 10/11/2009 was also asked if the council was keen to renew unemployment benefits in respect of employees working for the realization of that public work

detected even

to the latter point the question has not had, as already pointed out in reply, concrete answer


Alderman At Work


Which documents the council intends to undertake to protect the legitimate positions of employees and in particular whether it will extend the provision of social safety nets at variance with the current legislation is laid down. 2 paragraph 36 of Law No 203 of 22/12/2008 (Finance Law 2009);

in particular whether it will extend the grant of the said Treaty, as established by the n.46449 OF 7 / 7 / 09. Institutional Agreement of 11 / 3 / 09 of the Framework Agreement and the Regional 27/4/09.Delibera No 1209 of 07/07/2009. Agreement with the Regional Directorate INPS 09/07/2009, employees referred to in the executive decree No. 17 AGC 109 of July 30, 2009 regarding the seat of Caserta to the INPS Ltd IMMOBILGI Federici Stirling - Caserta (CE) SCRL-Policlinico di Caserta - Caserta (CE), published on Burc No 60, October 7, 2009.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Best Stove Temperature

Stellato at Teversham - it marks the beginning of an open political confrontation for the next regional elections

Pd, Letta in the council meeting of the
Sunday, November 29, at 17 hours, in the council of Teversham, there will be a Read the symposium of the Party Democratic the upcoming regional elections in March 2010.

The meeting, organized by the Movement for Land Work, a group close to read, will be moderating the ' lawyer Francesco Pecoraro as speakers and the lawyer Luigi Mazzarella , Dr. Gianpaolo Lucariello , Dr. Enrico Barbato , Michael Avallone and, in conclusion, the Regional Council Joseph Stellato, responsible for the sleeping area in the province of Caserta.

" This conference - said attorney Pecoraro - is the beginning of a tour that will make Mr Stellato Aversa in the countryside to be better known by the voters of that area and to explain the work he has done and is doing in Region . The area had read after recognition at national level with only the head of the vicesegreteria is growing throughout the Region Campania and very near Caserta where the wise choice of Stellato gave centrality to the group .

This meeting also the commissioner of Carinaro Paul Sepe , Dr. Vincenzo Vatiero , Dr. Angela Maffeo , the Dr. Andrea Garofalo , Dr. Luciano Petrillo , the architect Dominic Cardone , the lawyer Giulio Colaiori and the chief of staff of the Third Regional Commission Dr. Gaetano Liccardo , which will bring the greetings of Mr Franco Casillo .

The meeting with the counselor Stellato , which marks the beginning of an open political debate in the upcoming elections regional teverolese has mobilized the Democratic Party. One of the young is more committed to democratic unionist Angelo soup, which Stellato appreciate the serious and continuing political commitment.

" course - says the same soup - the next star will be very important term to know because that has the administrative machinery of Region Campania and can achieve great results for the people of the Agro Aversano in the next legislature. Another piece of the ability of Mr Stellato we noticed only a few days ago when he became interested in the present political virus problem H1N1 , that is known influenza A in conference organized by Professor Oreste Perrella to Theatre Court of the Reggia di Caserta " .

Friday, November 27, 2009

Howto Get On Poptropica At School

L orking Finmek - former ATI - The Board questions Stellato, the Regional Council on the status and timing of social safety nets .

" we think they should draw the attention of the Regional Council - precise Stellato - on the employment problems of workers of two companies with similar problems, unfortunately, to those of many other provincial reality.

We realize that the mere use of social welfare, in most cases, is only one way to reduce the incidence of the problem, but without the other, it contains at least elements of a possible response, pending a structural recovery of the economy.

The Campania Region has embarked on programs of investment in the territories trying to upgrade the existing activities and look so plausible a new economic phase. Investing in infrastructure projects and the projected recovery resulting from the new programming of funds POR FAS and can therefore also be an opportunity for our difficult territory of Caserta. This is a clear political priority at which the PD will also be necessary in a serious way beyond the nodes of development for the recovery of real resources " .

questions for oral answer

Given that:

· the employment crisis and the labor market into which the system Italy and the Campania Region reached significant levels and would require structural interventions in the medium and long term, and measures to support workers in the short term

· noted that this situation concerns in a particular way the Province of Caserta and in particular the land of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, where two leading companies, such as the former ATI and the Finmek-ACCESS , do not work now long;

· Both companies charge different work units (over 50 for the former and 140 for the former ATI Finmek) which there is absolute uncertainty of the future;

· regard wing Finmek Access should be noted that:

1. the same is under special administration in August 2005;

2. currently this is the fifth year of the IGC ending June 30, 2010. The last extension was agreed and granted for 10 months and not more than 12;

3. the people involved are still 140 of which approximately one hundred non-pensioners, even with the long-term mobility;

4. Finmek and currently lives in a program contract, COSTELMAR, Ixfin and 3M for the industrialization of the province of Caserta. The plan would still lack the resolution for regional allocation of resources. The companies have already been identified would expect only the appropriations referred to above;

5. the 140 workers were included in training courses funded by the Region, although it is unknown when these courses will begin.

  • noted that for the 59 employees of the former ATI, there is no time limit for the IGC to the next in May 2010 and no further activity or initiative is in place for their protection;
  • Considered it seems necessary to at least provide for the renewal of social safety nets in respect of those employees;

Both stated and considered, the undersigned Director Joseph Stellato


the President of the Regional


such acts or actions the Regional Council intends to undertake that are renewed social safety nets for workers above and what time is provided for the allocation of funds to be used for the re-industrialization of the province of Caserta.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What Is Of Value In 200 Years

Regional and Provincial Congress - Stars: "Congratulations to Graziella Pagano and Enzo Amendola;

Campania regain a position of centrality. The Provincial Assembly? Meaningful and useful only if it will take place as soon as possible. "

On 23 November the Democratic field has elected new president of the regional Graziella Pagano of Pd. Meanwhile, it seems to skip the date of 26 November for the Provincial Congress Caserta. The Regional Director Joseph Stellato sends his greetings to Pagano and calls for a provincial congress in the immediate future.

" It 'true that the regional assembly on 23, who was elected as chairman of the regional Graziella Pagano, still showed the significant difficulties of regional synthesis of PD, in congratulating the achievement, however, there may not be considered a call for a strong commitment and significant in the direction of the search for unity of the party and of a dialectic between its various components.

energies that are recognized today in the Democratic Party and that they see on the front line engaged the new Secretary Enzo Amendola, president Graziella Pagano and the Directorate will now all be directed towards building a network of political consensus on the entire region.

also received recognition from Enzo Amendola as national coordinator of the regional secretaries of the party, return to Campania a central role in determining the political dynamics that at this late stage, have not seen the our region, play that role that the larger region of the South can not have.

In this direction should not be overlooked that important appointment of manager for the South awarded to Umberto Ranieri.

The combination of components beyond the time indicated attempts, indeed, very weak to discredit the only political force that is trying to build a concrete government program, confirms the centrality of the Democratic Party as a political force for progress and recovery total.

The story concerning the provincial congress but can not be closed as a result of external choices but each and every fact must be able to express their representatives. The option therefore remains a congressional in respect of which calls for a phase of confrontation, to be frank, if the net result had been what was expected date of November 26 or, at most, 2 December, the provincial congress has every reason to be, but moved to January , so soon after the election, I did not make any sense, but it could only damage the party. "