Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why Do You Get Keratin Under Nails

Policlinico di Caserta - New question for Stella in the Regional Council.

New Hospital: Stellato (Pd) on the summit Prefecture

(November 28) New Hospital in Caserta: December 7, the expected summit in the prefecture. The regional council for Pd Joseph Stellato draws close to the workers to ask for guarantees.
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Regional Councillor Joseph Stellato presented these days in the second question on the Board question of the Policlinico di Caserta, mainly in relation to the fate of the 200 workers lost their jobs. In the previous action on November 10, questioned all parties concerned, the response was received by the Department of Health, in the person Santangelo Councillor and SUN, by the Rector Roberto Rossi, but not by the Department of Labor. The new issue is time, therefore, expressly directed to this Department for an extension of unemployment benefits.

" The issue of Hospital - says the Director - be resolved at 360 degrees, from whatever angle you look at it, considering all the implications of which we have repeatedly discussed, social, economic development, etc.. The most urgent, however, that is definitely worth a necessary response is related to the workers, who have an urgency that, unfortunately, the timing is beyond technique. "

When question time is on the agenda also will be notified and consulted the coordination of Caserta and the trade union associations that their representatives may participate again.
In order to speed up then the whole procedure preparatory to the choice of the new contracting firm, was also sent by the Director Stellato also question the Authority 'to Supervision on Contracts Public Works, Services and Supplies to know - being in the process of being contacted by the company ranking second in the ranking of the race and being the Sun waiting for a reply which will be submitted to the Board - what are the times of the Authority Compliance Committee, which as we know, is competent to give opinions regarding issues that relate to the phase the award of contracts for the employment of measures best suited to the fact.

Here is the text of ' QUESTION

Subject: "extending unemployment benefits for workers the hospital in Caserta

Agreement Program signed on 31.03.1999 for the implementation of the General Hospital of Caserta annexed to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Second University of Naples;


the contract rep No 611 of 29.12.2004 concerning the realization of the above;
the resolution of the Board with n.30 of 31.03.2009 which has been declared terminated the contract referred to;
which is currently in the process of being contacted by the company ranking second in the ranking of the race.


of Decree No 47633 of 15 October 2009 the Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare, which together with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, extending the treatment of income assistance and extraordinary mobility, in favor of workers already beneficiaries.
Noting that

Question No. January REG 508 / 2 / ARTICLE 79 Bis referred to the meeting on 10/11/2009 was also asked if the council was keen to renew unemployment benefits in respect of employees working for the realization of that public work

detected even

to the latter point the question has not had, as already pointed out in reply, concrete answer


Alderman At Work


Which documents the council intends to undertake to protect the legitimate positions of employees and in particular whether it will extend the provision of social safety nets at variance with the current legislation is laid down. 2 paragraph 36 of Law No 203 of 22/12/2008 (Finance Law 2009);

in particular whether it will extend the grant of the said Treaty, as established by the n.46449 OF 7 / 7 / 09. Institutional Agreement of 11 / 3 / 09 of the Framework Agreement and the Regional 27/4/09.Delibera No 1209 of 07/07/2009. Agreement with the Regional Directorate INPS 09/07/2009, employees referred to in the executive decree No. 17 AGC 109 of July 30, 2009 regarding the seat of Caserta to the INPS Ltd IMMOBILGI Federici Stirling - Caserta (CE) SCRL-Policlinico di Caserta - Caserta (CE), published on Burc No 60, October 7, 2009.


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