Sunday, October 17, 2010

Quickvue Positive Pregnancy Test

A funeral pie for Qoob

Ponzo Bambozo says that the TV and 'dead. Now I'm not an expert in mass media but in principle I do not think he said something original. Original and 'the light in his eyes when he says it. So I decided to give him credit.

course, this obviously does not mean that there will be 'more' television. I guess. Perhaps it means that a whole world of people who still rely on television to be entertained there one that 'another one of TV is already 'and that unless it exists and develops mainly during the first things with little effort to win the second.
If I were to judge on the basis of productive I would even say that TV does not exist anymore '. There is no more 'TV of the eighties and nineties that mode' and often perverse 'was innovative (or a continued path of innovation initiated a' axis in the sixties).
However and 'an issue that I'm passionate about very little.
Rather it accidentally falls in a reflection that I came to television last experiment worthy of note (in the last 10 years, at least for me) at whose tomb I recall the prophetic words of Bambozo.
I mean Qoob (even before Flux) died as a channel for almost a year and will close '31 October 2010 also the site which had since been alive, although dying (and thus a good case for euthanasia).

Flux comes to great lines like indie channel MTV with its own channel in the clear around 2006. Programming semi underground music videos, short films international bizarre videos and purchased mainly from the Anglophone world (a roll of three or four hours a repeated rotation throughout the day).
Italian first significant experiment of transfer of production "unprofessional" on the Italian "brodcasting", is emerging as a very social network aimed at producing audiovisual material in which the "more 'worthy' advertisement on the site was paid a lump sum (not very high but even their miserable) and passed on TV.
Still more 'heroic' Flux became patron in real series produced by users and some very beautiful, others maybe a little 'less. But such is' the level of things produced in Italy. Flux becomes a bit 'the thermometer at this level.
as a collector of material self sinking immediately trying to create a virtuous cycle in which users can rate and comment on the work of their fellow musicians and video makers. A blood bath, because of feuds, beatings anonymous aimed at lowering the rate of work, true of false votes gathered together to replenish their
productions. And all that 'although it was not a vote to determine the users of the proposed works on television.
A spontaneous war to the death in the face of 'solidarity' as a category " speiga perhaps also because 'when a social network is empty of humans and is populated only creative, then sinking.
was quickly eliminated with the voting and comment Flux remained more 'or less the same structure. In the meantime, however, 'the signal was switched on at the moment with a loss of satellite television audience since they conquered (but little motivated).
The return on digital terrestrial television came with an inexplicable change of name to Flux Qoob. But in frettempo something had drastically changed.
Via entirely Qoob roll music had become a channel of proposals international short films. Remained a bit 'odd of headings and a little' videos purchased directly from the so-called UGC relating to the site. Meanwhile the site was open to other countries in the two versions in English and Italian.
About a year ago, the end of the experiment Qoob whose post today and 'occupied by La7D. And in a few days the tombstone of the project on the web with the cancellation of the account and that heritage and collective 'state Flux / Qoob as a manifold.
Of course, we'll live without it.

There remains the feeling that the TV just does not allow them to experiment.
Maybe 'cause the dead end to a more' from time to own you can not ask. Why 'however you think that deserves a serious attempt had been. More 'worthy of so many others who have tried to follow in his footsteps and with more' for brains of many more TV "cutting edge". A mechanism in its own way of virtuous content production paid
in which, contrary to what usually happens, the 'visibility' "was not the sole responsibility of those who produce content.
Perche 'No way out: although 'TV is dead (expensive Bambozo), continued to focus on television money.
But apparently decided to take them to the grave.


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