In less than 70
tundra where the frost extends the life
Travel Oimjakon, the Siberian village that always holds the record of frost. Eight hundred souls healthy and surprisingly long-lived
A cameraman at the monument, recording the record cold
MOSCOW - Today the sky is partly cloudy, from remote parts of Oimjakon (someone English writes: Oymyakon), the coldest inhabited place in the world, as evidenced by the scientist Sergei Obrucev 26 January 1926, when the recorded temperature of -71.2 degrees below zero. There is even the monument that remembers and celebrates it, even if that measurement was carried out "unofficially". That "official" is a bit 'less draconian, -67.7 ° in 1933. But there is a competitor Verkhojansk that would snatch the record: in 1892 the ice went up to -67.8 °. Robina, objected to Oimjakon. Here, in 1916, we had a monstrous and even a scary -81.2 -83 ushered in the twentieth century. Unfortunately, surveys were not professional. Only the worst can happen in Antarctica, but there are no permanent human settlements.
Recently, 22 December 2007, the thermometer of mini-states of weather Oimjakon (a wooden cage on top of a pole of larch) fixes a significant -61 ° C. However, all Russians follow - every day - the climate evolution of this country with its eight hundred souls Oimjakon daily temperatures are listed next to those of the major Russian cities in both television and newspapers. And there is even the website of the town, with lots of chat and forums and temperature detection . And the beautiful and 'that in the short summers the temperature can exceed 30 degrees. Above zero, in other words, in this place the theoretical temperature change between winter and summer can exceed 100 degrees.
So, we said that today the sky above Oimjakon is veiled, and that's good because it means that will be less cold. In fact, here even say that it is hot. Why, despite dell'agghiacciante fame surrounding this village by the river Indighirka, 1050 miles away, north-east of Jakustk, the capital of the Siberian republic of Sakha Yakutia, there are just 33 degrees below zero. So much so that after the kids to school, they began to play out. And some oimiakese took the opportunity to cut firewood, to go shopping and to fix the stables.
who live here are people in good health. Mysteriously longevity. The entire province of Oimjakon is famous for the fact that we live several hundred years old: in Russia the average age of males is the lowest in Europe, just over sixty years. To blame the weather, vodka, pollution, they say. But the climate here does not kill infamous. How can people survive with a cold so intense that only shudder to think about it?
Meanwhile, a clarification. Oimjakon is not only the name of the country but all around the area - a vast plateau surrounded by mountains, like a crown. It is these natural walls, covered with forests, creating conditions so unusual: the lower part of the plateau in the shape of a hollow - the country is located at 720 meters above sea level - and that is where it accumulates in winter the cold air that lowers the temperature to the very absolute. A winter infinite, that lasts nine months. So much so that in the language of Eveni, ethnicity that inhabits these lands - called "lamuti" (meaning "people of the sea") are little more than 19 thousand of those surveyed in Russia - the word derives from Oimjakon "ejumu" which means "the water of ships withdrawn," while the translated language jacuta means far more effectively "freezing cold". I incline to this etymology: the curse most common of these people who have low houses and well heated but most without bathroom drains because Oimjakon not: for which reason the inhabitants are forced to use toilets outside (fall).
short, despite bitter cold, the villagers are so long as to defy all logic. An enigma. Even the river Indighirka behaves very strange: while other rivers freeze up to the shore (usually between minus 30 and minus 40), he continues to run even less fearless 70. In addition, ice thickness is not greater than that of glass, and in some places the water surface remains accessible throughout the winter. As in the nearby pond, heated by a hot spring. What properties have this water? Scientists are studying thoroughly the area. The Eveni say it's always like that, and that the only complaints I have is on constant rise in food prices, "here the food is much more expensive that in Irkutsk, the capital. E work is becoming less profitable. In the country pulls out a cooperative for the extraction of gold, there is a bakery, a delicatessen that serves well from lattificio. Further on, there is a small farm where they breed horses. Finally in the steak: the horses are used almost exclusively for food: their meat fat and nutrient helps individuals to face the cold wilder.
To move a time, using Eveni sled reindeer. Today, trucks, cars and tractors work through a number of devices: engine set in motion every day, scaldacandele devices, fuels tested in response to temperature ultra-rigid (the ones used by companies that extract oil and gas in the Arctic). Of course, when the temperature reaches minus 60, everything changes. Go out and risky. Not as the "death zone" of Everest. However, even the sound change: the man no longer recognizes his own voice, its reverberations are strange, the air seems to thicken as crystal. Woe to not cover your face when your face will freeze in seconds, the skin falls apart. And yet, it tells of a young coach with seventeen who was returning from Uciughej, where there was a concert. Midway, the bus runs out of fuel. An hour later, the battery jumps from the cold. Almost all the boys were dressed, so to speak, light, compared to the seasonal clothing (shoes with insulating soles, antifreeze materials, furs). Quickly, the temperature plunges to minus 60: can not even light a bonfire, with these temperatures is quite pointless.
Well, boys and girls remained inside the bus 11 hours before the arrival of emergency: no one was hurt, not even a cold. Among them, there was a Russian boy, did I say, yet he emerged unscathed dall'avvenura, not even sneeze. They say it is a feature of Oimjakon: if people come from warmer regions and far, people who barely tolerate -10 °, this becomes immediately, suddenly becomes very strong. The secret of Oimjakon. The cult of hibernate.
Recently, 22 December 2007, the thermometer of mini-states of weather Oimjakon (a wooden cage on top of a pole of larch) fixes a significant -61 ° C. However, all Russians follow - every day - the climate evolution of this country with its eight hundred souls Oimjakon daily temperatures are listed next to those of the major Russian cities in both television and newspapers. And there is even the website of the town, with lots of chat and forums and temperature detection . And the beautiful and 'that in the short summers the temperature can exceed 30 degrees. Above zero, in other words, in this place the theoretical temperature change between winter and summer can exceed 100 degrees.
So, we said that today the sky above Oimjakon is veiled, and that's good because it means that will be less cold. In fact, here even say that it is hot. Why, despite dell'agghiacciante fame surrounding this village by the river Indighirka, 1050 miles away, north-east of Jakustk, the capital of the Siberian republic of Sakha Yakutia, there are just 33 degrees below zero. So much so that after the kids to school, they began to play out. And some oimiakese took the opportunity to cut firewood, to go shopping and to fix the stables.
who live here are people in good health. Mysteriously longevity. The entire province of Oimjakon is famous for the fact that we live several hundred years old: in Russia the average age of males is the lowest in Europe, just over sixty years. To blame the weather, vodka, pollution, they say. But the climate here does not kill infamous. How can people survive with a cold so intense that only shudder to think about it?
Meanwhile, a clarification. Oimjakon is not only the name of the country but all around the area - a vast plateau surrounded by mountains, like a crown. It is these natural walls, covered with forests, creating conditions so unusual: the lower part of the plateau in the shape of a hollow - the country is located at 720 meters above sea level - and that is where it accumulates in winter the cold air that lowers the temperature to the very absolute. A winter infinite, that lasts nine months. So much so that in the language of Eveni, ethnicity that inhabits these lands - called "lamuti" (meaning "people of the sea") are little more than 19 thousand of those surveyed in Russia - the word derives from Oimjakon "ejumu" which means "the water of ships withdrawn," while the translated language jacuta means far more effectively "freezing cold". I incline to this etymology: the curse most common of these people who have low houses and well heated but most without bathroom drains because Oimjakon not: for which reason the inhabitants are forced to use toilets outside (fall).
short, despite bitter cold, the villagers are so long as to defy all logic. An enigma. Even the river Indighirka behaves very strange: while other rivers freeze up to the shore (usually between minus 30 and minus 40), he continues to run even less fearless 70. In addition, ice thickness is not greater than that of glass, and in some places the water surface remains accessible throughout the winter. As in the nearby pond, heated by a hot spring. What properties have this water? Scientists are studying thoroughly the area. The Eveni say it's always like that, and that the only complaints I have is on constant rise in food prices, "here the food is much more expensive that in Irkutsk, the capital. E work is becoming less profitable. In the country pulls out a cooperative for the extraction of gold, there is a bakery, a delicatessen that serves well from lattificio. Further on, there is a small farm where they breed horses. Finally in the steak: the horses are used almost exclusively for food: their meat fat and nutrient helps individuals to face the cold wilder.
To move a time, using Eveni sled reindeer. Today, trucks, cars and tractors work through a number of devices: engine set in motion every day, scaldacandele devices, fuels tested in response to temperature ultra-rigid (the ones used by companies that extract oil and gas in the Arctic). Of course, when the temperature reaches minus 60, everything changes. Go out and risky. Not as the "death zone" of Everest. However, even the sound change: the man no longer recognizes his own voice, its reverberations are strange, the air seems to thicken as crystal. Woe to not cover your face when your face will freeze in seconds, the skin falls apart. And yet, it tells of a young coach with seventeen who was returning from Uciughej, where there was a concert. Midway, the bus runs out of fuel. An hour later, the battery jumps from the cold. Almost all the boys were dressed, so to speak, light, compared to the seasonal clothing (shoes with insulating soles, antifreeze materials, furs). Quickly, the temperature plunges to minus 60: can not even light a bonfire, with these temperatures is quite pointless.
Well, boys and girls remained inside the bus 11 hours before the arrival of emergency: no one was hurt, not even a cold. Among them, there was a Russian boy, did I say, yet he emerged unscathed dall'avvenura, not even sneeze. They say it is a feature of Oimjakon: if people come from warmer regions and far, people who barely tolerate -10 °, this becomes immediately, suddenly becomes very strong. The secret of Oimjakon. The cult of hibernate.
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