Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Orange Brown Bathroomaccessories

blame him?

What is left? It 'important to answer this question in order to understand where we are, how to share. To find out what weapons the city still has in this pseudo democracy. We go for exclusion. We no longer have a vote, we can not express a preference for the election of a parliament. Parliament is then gone. If the House and Senate are excluded from the will of the people, so is the President of the Republic, elected by both Houses assembled, appointed by the leaders of individual parties. Then we also played together with the presidents Napolitano House and Senate. The referendum
, when accepted by the Supreme Court, are located in seaside dates to blow up the quorum, as was the case for the referendum on electoral law. In the miraculous event in which they get the signatures, is no quorum and the popular will prevails parties do not care. Examples do not lack as the referendum victory, the abolition of public funding to political parties and of nuclear power in Italy totally ignored. I started raking in a billion euro and five power plants are in the pipeline.
If you collect signatures for a popular law are buried in the cellars of the Senate. Certified 350,000 signatures for the law " Parliament Clean "waiting since December 2007 without hope of being considered. What means does the city without the vote, parliamentary representation and institutional, the referendum and the popular laws? It 's a separate house democracy. a house which no longer has the keys. The reaction is the fragmentation into a thousand squares with seven events per week, thousands of suggestions that, at least, one has the illusion that count for something, or the indifference of that 40% of Italians who do not vote any more, they no longer believe in anything. In both cases, protest or neglect, the power of a few remains unchanged.
The first reform is to restore the citizens' control of the country that has been stolen. We are fighting with sticks who has a bazooka, and the hosts we are. The keys will be returned. The first step is the discussion of the proposal in the Senate " Clean Parliament" to give voters the right to choose their candidate and send work to the professional politicians who have more than two mandates. The second is to have proactive and referendum without quorum . Who does not go to zero vote counts. The third is the ' direct election of the President of the Republic who is accountable to the country and not to parties. The fourth is the elimination of public funding parties. The fifth is the funding for any expenditure of the state. One step at a time. First I would like Schifani establish as soon as a date for the debate in the Senate of " Clean Parliament" as he promised more than a year ago. 350,000 citizens can not be ignored (and taken for a ride) longer. They never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we.


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