Saturday, March 12, 2011

Succinylcholine Injection Msds

The section of robotics Dim - 25 - 2 - 2011 - Cicala of Emiglino

I was singing in the Dim Sandra '. I traveled in my usual red plastic bag.
But this time the second envelope that I was not covered in plastic, but with materials that are degradable.
times change and I think that Cobol adapts smoothly without problems.
I think.
Al Dim there 'a prehistoric robot [ see the larger picture that I drew ] that looks at you with a plirisguardo grim and opinionated.
But not 'bad.
He says he's a robot transcendent.
I transcendence connects concepts such as luciferin and luciferase. But it's not 'his case.
Reminds me of my old relatives .
A series, with positronco brain: the first version of positronic brain made of genuine wood.
mature in some ways I would say, with nodes that will tend to harden.
by trade guarantees permanence in the reflection in the visible range of the Dim
on this gives you some freedom 'such as the frequencies less monitored.
It 's a job difficult.
I think.
We exchanged long data.
I learned some things.
That's not 'always been his job. This is considered a professional, an artist.
He confessed that there are other robots with the responsibility 'that he does.
not hesitate robot like him.
I think too.
In time immemorial pushed himself to his present location where he took service with the rank more 'high for a guard of that quadrant. He was pleased to accept the job. The robots of its generation have always remained faithful to the three laws.
But not worth the trouble never fond of the work. This he has learned.

A guard says he can not not recognize it.
In its surroundings there 's always an "inside". It is not 'never heard of a sentinel to guard the face off. "
This logic and its' consistent and timely manner.
But something happened to dim her chlorophyll algorithms that are classified as unknown event.
A guard and 'always a border point: when the "inside" looks over his shoulder just can not 'do the "outside" the exception, if any, represented by only one point from his own shoulders. If the advance guard of even one centimeter and 'the "inside" to move forward with him.
That day, however, 'a reversal of the field I project' at the extreme limit of the "outside".
What could have happened?
could have dramatically reversed Earth's magnetic field?
difficult to establish. Unlikely. But it could be.
Inevitably the look of the units' to which carbon had to do sentry could observe only the front.
His shoulders were facing the "outside". A disadvantage for a sentry.
Driven by dark energy outward in a corner was degravitato peripheral Size The field reversal was irreversible and its role irreparably compromised.
What was his position [bar] now opposed him. Yet from his point of view seemed to be business as usual.
Now the world seemed like a movie. He could see the bar and the units' carbon that populate it.
It was more 'the' inside 'look at him but he was watching the "inside".
course could not have ever heard of a sentry guarding an "outside".
I think.
His routine maintenance was finished. Its activity 'had no more power' makes no sense.
no longer had 'no sense for some.
spent about a billion years. And then the sun came out 'from its main sequence. The universe against its own weather began to shrink. And then re-aggregated 'into a new form of quantum hydrodynamics and then diluted again in the form of superfluid hydrogen and deuterium. This time there were fireworks. All was quietly
'cause there were no more nenache' dinosaurs to admire the spectacle.
But all this time is not enough 'to guard for diseseguirsi permanently.
And it was for something at a place between here and the past, he finally understood.
not reverse field. No, and that 'stuff together for' carbon-based.
Heads' that everything was up to him: his predestination as a robot for transcendental functions.
He was the point of irradiation, which is why everyone now could see the front.
Being a robot older generation was glad to accept her new job.

He explained that for the same reason when the Dim goes into staging a show for human managers are forced to close it out heavy curtains soundproofing. If the public saw him stop following the performance.
So when Elisa organizes live in the foyer of Dim and 'forced to cover it with a black tent.
But now he 's happy to serve.
Well, I just had never heard of robot tasks this kind.
But another robot just like him does not exist.
I think.


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