Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tomtom Mounting Brecket

[12] Toy Keyboards - Xylomatic - Cobol

Obviously this is not a keyboard but a
metallophone programmable to handle the bright colors. Basically how it works ': there' s a cylinder connected to a crank. The cylinder and 'supported by metal rods on which are set of selectors. A sticella, a selector. The selectors may be mute. A switch is activated a hammer beating on a metal rod on a given tone 'in the majority. Determined the sequence of notes, then turned on the switches, the rotation of the cylinder 'Share a mertelletto time so' to get a melody loop.
Xylomatic is called. It 's a great toy to arrive intact but a bit' rusty directly since 1970.
I know that in Italy it 's never been sold.


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