Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kates Playground Poolside Party Vid

[11] Keyboards toy - toy keyboard ItsImagical - Cobol

Tiny keychain but accompanied by a stupid, shrill, single and monotonous sound. Incredibly, the keyboard has a sequencer with which to record the loop on which to play. Too bad for the fool, sharp, single, monotonous and prolonged sound.
The keys are rubber membrane in their own way even uncomfortable to play (play well semitones) they do not emit an idiot, sharp, single, monotonous sound. Attached to your keyring does look great especially for trying tunes that leap in the head. However, no 'on the sequencer can record' cause once the keypad off the loop is lost. Despite these serious flaws adore this microtastierina Nineties (the nineties, when grunge was thinking there, but then anyone can 'play well and in all places ...) to do minimus in the limited context of Micromuse.


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