Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Where Is Cervix Right Before Menstruation

[6] Toys and sound - Early and space exploration [update]: Playskool lights psychotronic and mind control - Cobol

"In the future the past year is measured by 'an extraordinary summer decline in the practice of abandoning pets.
Many of these experts would be a natural death calmly in the following months, the temperate climate in which to artificial life were were used. Thus' human beings would continue to flaunt their charitable pity 'to biological forms placed into the treads more' low in the food chain.
But not for this, not this time, they became better. "

A drop of 68% in the practice of early summer, and domestic animals' in fact, an event likely to induce Sigina rather interesting chain of consequential accidents. But they will not be visible before three or four years and in the meantime I'm afraid the industry of animal and synthetic 'as grown significantly. Not to mention the aerospace industry.
And after all, so far, the forecast was easy even excluding special ability 'prediction [that however I].

But esoplanetaria accelerated evolution could come from toys psychotronic.

I always thought that because of the First Directive and of undoubted superiority 'aliens visiting our planet that could not be communists. I still think. The intergalactic journey, in fact, requires the development of a social partnership that will produce a technological level reached only if it exceeded the typical conflicts of the society 'capitalism [as they have most' times suggested Militant X and K].
However I have always been deceived into thinking that somehow the alien community could also be a synonym for "goodness '" [that even in its formulation and' implies a too-human]. But as suggested by Mao Zedong "The revolution is not 'a gala dinner." The Borg themselves are not "good" but operationally directed toward the achievement of the objective: the supremacy of the collective good to the detriment of the individual egocentric forces. Well, if on the narrow space of this planet earth seems inevitable solution [7 billion if we are] perhaps in a place as big as the universe some figure could be revised [but for the time will fly 'pedantic about these details].
The same type of problem arises when I think of the aliens UFO series pledged to put under the control of half the earth's energy resources of our planet [the popular control of the means of production, a process which by the way (and far more 'serious) escapes' also to the analysis of the UFO hunter Wilhelm Reich].
series UFO ' far from obvious that a number of aliens on Earth.
As a compromise between mechatronic toys and human drama in it you can breathe the scent to the apocalyptic end of the world in the coming Supermarionation and (shortly thereafter) of digital.
There are aliens on a mission profiles with little unclear [invade the land? Save capitalism? What then are probably the same thing], but above all there is 'a war that is' primarily psychological: a cold war interplanetary based on sine waves and psychedelic lights. There 's the cold Commander Straker [in charge of "anti-Earth" but in part cool alien admires the work], and uses the same tricks psychedelic to preserve the planetary resources and to defeat the alien menace [there is the 'mysterious' psychedelic panel in his office].

And then there 'the toy of psychotronic Playskool Busy Glow Flashlight "[pictured] who works on the same principles of UFO lights manipulative affect on the psyche of the child .
The torch also has the ability 'to create hypnotic sounds mechanical wheel-shaped (in two variants).

few years ago came out 'a book written by debunkers [in the sense of double agent to mask that unmasks] Philip Corso: The day after Roswell . Among the various historical inaccuracies and detecting a working hypothesis [not too innovative] seems interesting that the UFO crash in Roswell [1947] has served as a Trojan horse to enter into society 'human technologies "exotic" as the microprocessors in order to "alienizzare" the history of our planet. A esoforming of our planet.
that it does so on the basis of the evolution of artificial pets or toys Dick psychotronic result of alien influences not matter, perhaps fortunately, and the process' began.
I had said I can live with the good will '.


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