Thursday, July 29, 2010

Candida Glabrata Who Gets It

Pets, robots and space exploration abandoned - Cobol

I say that meat eaters and vegetarians Fruitarians considered equally.
I think a position more 'identity that something rational.
I be a vegetarian "Diet" almost completely vegan I tend to have diverse attitudes toward even those carnivores that have dramatically reduced the amount 'of meat in their diet. Yes, well, I always do things indiscriminately will, in the end, rather dull.
But then attention.
brethariano Some might object to a fruitarian to be a reformer only because the fruit, as opposed to power based on prana only provides more intensive exploitation of vegetation and the eradication of violent fruit.
But I am one who appreciates good will 'but above the chains of consequential accidents.

I read somewhere that more were expected in summer 2010 'abandonment of domestic animals in 2009.
I do not know, as difficult as forecasting.
Perhaps the summer and 'become practical abandonment of commitments regardless of summer a bit' as it was getting rid of furniture and appliances in the new year a bit 'of years ago.
I would say that basically the economic crisis experienced or perceived might instead lead to a drastic reduction of travel to locations' holiday which could at least postpone the leave or redistribute it on more 'summers.
Meanwhile a few "lucky" animal destined to be abandoned may die a natural death and led to economic crisis by saving the former pet owners may decide not to buy / adopt new ones. Within a few years the reduction of domestic animals in the homes could lead to a reduction in the canned food for omnivorous / carnivorous and thus to the reduction of herbivorous animals for slaughter.
is that in a couple of years it might lead to a natural death, say, 10 to 15% of pets and that 'a great achievement given that between 2002 and 2010 the number of vegetarians in Italy is not 'increased an equally significant and as an adult cat eats about 400 grams of meat per day.

We follow instead the suggestion of Dick.
I bought a beautiful artificial pet, a Furby that and say 'more' interettivo or a rabbit for example, for the most 'demanding a beautiful dogbot.
Certainly the robot energy, batteries, electricity, pollution.
But here's the rub.
For some, not eating meat is coupled with the ecological (but I have animal). In some ways, it 's true, but the thing' s a bit simplistic.
I find for example the ecological perspective, in the long run, a bit 'short-sighted when it addirittira reactionary.
Gia 'infinetisimale only on a scale such as that represented by a galaxy and the planet earth' to define something that insignificant means to minimize the problem. Dead
the land if it is another!
In a very theoretical ecological disaster on the planet earth brings with it at least two positive aspects:
- reduction of resources and resulting in spontaneous reduction of living forms;
- boost self-preservation and then all'esoplanetarismo.
I try to put it another way: I lived in Rome (Rome is meant to rome south / south east. Now I live in the northeast to the new salary then I do not live more 'in Rome). In Rome, you are quite well: people are 'so', the climate and 'so', the city 'and' so '. One we can 'stay in Rome all my life without feeling the need to leave and this goes a little' immobility, that character a bit 'sluggish typical of the Romans. Since I live in the new salary (and that 'more' kind Milan), however, want to emigrate, escape, evolve.
Animals robots could accelerate the process of planet earth alienizzazione (a sort of inverse of terraforming Mars). Robots were built as a result more and more 'adapted to living in extreme environmental conditions. Eventually, these robots would be so 'suit to move on planets aliens that they could be sent into space looking for planets alternative. The fisher price could take over delivering to NASA's space program in the hands of the companies' civil rather than military ones.
I do not say goodbye 'to see it. Not even you. Not even your children if you plan to make (which is' worse than owning a pet). This is 'a program that will see only the Amish made (but I will talk of this' in the future).
Pero 'now I know I can live with even the good will'.

Now if you think that the replacement of animals with robots will solve the dropout problem visbagliate.
A few nights ago
getttando fortunately a blind eye to tax containers of grass I had a jolt to the heart.
Thrown together in a wheelchair and a blue colander lay in all its crudeness Beady Beat the Robot (the one pictured). With Emiglino (who was driving the scooter) we brought him home course.
Now I'd like to focus on the technical details of this robot bin but I'm afraid that's missing a bit 'pieces for his decisive operation. On the Internet there's no 'path from an old ebay listing of cached google that says "Robot beady beat Romanelli talking robot toys." Romanelli (an Italian company leader in building robots drum) ... ever heard. It has a
speakerino under the tab visible in photos and even has a motor for the wheels and two stumps instead of tongs. Evidently lacks a central controller that must have belonged probably missing a few details and the circuitry makes me think that it is more 'old in the early nineties. Emiglino had never seen ("never covered" he said).
I would say well that the circuits had to be topped by a dome in plastic technology typically low-profile ... not love him now as well ...

Like when you lose a dog, "I'd be really grateful to those who will 'be able to give information." Obviously, if were to be alive, not return it 'all'incivile former owner.


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