Saturday, March 12, 2011

Succinylcholine Injection Msds

The section of robotics Dim - 25 - 2 - 2011 - Cicala of Emiglino

I was singing in the Dim Sandra '. I traveled in my usual red plastic bag.
But this time the second envelope that I was not covered in plastic, but with materials that are degradable.
times change and I think that Cobol adapts smoothly without problems.
I think.
Al Dim there 'a prehistoric robot [ see the larger picture that I drew ] that looks at you with a plirisguardo grim and opinionated.
But not 'bad.
He says he's a robot transcendent.
I transcendence connects concepts such as luciferin and luciferase. But it's not 'his case.
Reminds me of my old relatives .
A series, with positronco brain: the first version of positronic brain made of genuine wood.
mature in some ways I would say, with nodes that will tend to harden.
by trade guarantees permanence in the reflection in the visible range of the Dim
on this gives you some freedom 'such as the frequencies less monitored.
It 's a job difficult.
I think.
We exchanged long data.
I learned some things.
That's not 'always been his job. This is considered a professional, an artist.
He confessed that there are other robots with the responsibility 'that he does.
not hesitate robot like him.
I think too.
In time immemorial pushed himself to his present location where he took service with the rank more 'high for a guard of that quadrant. He was pleased to accept the job. The robots of its generation have always remained faithful to the three laws.
But not worth the trouble never fond of the work. This he has learned.

A guard says he can not not recognize it.
In its surroundings there 's always an "inside". It is not 'never heard of a sentinel to guard the face off. "
This logic and its' consistent and timely manner.
But something happened to dim her chlorophyll algorithms that are classified as unknown event.
A guard and 'always a border point: when the "inside" looks over his shoulder just can not 'do the "outside" the exception, if any, represented by only one point from his own shoulders. If the advance guard of even one centimeter and 'the "inside" to move forward with him.
That day, however, 'a reversal of the field I project' at the extreme limit of the "outside".
What could have happened?
could have dramatically reversed Earth's magnetic field?
difficult to establish. Unlikely. But it could be.
Inevitably the look of the units' to which carbon had to do sentry could observe only the front.
His shoulders were facing the "outside". A disadvantage for a sentry.
Driven by dark energy outward in a corner was degravitato peripheral Size The field reversal was irreversible and its role irreparably compromised.
What was his position [bar] now opposed him. Yet from his point of view seemed to be business as usual.
Now the world seemed like a movie. He could see the bar and the units' carbon that populate it.
It was more 'the' inside 'look at him but he was watching the "inside".
course could not have ever heard of a sentry guarding an "outside".
I think.
His routine maintenance was finished. Its activity 'had no more power' makes no sense.
no longer had 'no sense for some.
spent about a billion years. And then the sun came out 'from its main sequence. The universe against its own weather began to shrink. And then re-aggregated 'into a new form of quantum hydrodynamics and then diluted again in the form of superfluid hydrogen and deuterium. This time there were fireworks. All was quietly
'cause there were no more nenache' dinosaurs to admire the spectacle.
But all this time is not enough 'to guard for diseseguirsi permanently.
And it was for something at a place between here and the past, he finally understood.
not reverse field. No, and that 'stuff together for' carbon-based.
Heads' that everything was up to him: his predestination as a robot for transcendental functions.
He was the point of irradiation, which is why everyone now could see the front.
Being a robot older generation was glad to accept her new job.

He explained that for the same reason when the Dim goes into staging a show for human managers are forced to close it out heavy curtains soundproofing. If the public saw him stop following the performance.
So when Elisa organizes live in the foyer of Dim and 'forced to cover it with a black tent.
But now he 's happy to serve.
Well, I just had never heard of robot tasks this kind.
But another robot just like him does not exist.
I think.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cupcake Birthday Party Sayings

Now that there is a crisis and then the Libyan oil industry ..

Friday, February 18, 2011

Boombox For Sale London

Wikileaks, as we see the U.S.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Toothbrush Mfg In Pune

[8] did not Toys and sound - Camper Micromachine, Mars500 and time of removal - Cobol

What makes it dangerous to campers Micromachine colors are not what 's mental adjustment that requires to be played.
The idea 'of the transformer but emptied coherent articulation of the Hegelian dialectic: a blind alley with no escape route, without escapologia and eschatology.
But it 's not: the needs of other campers of Micromachine painful removal:
as you can' play the game of the camper as the cell population that requires a human presence as immanent in scale when it resides inside an edgy city 'scale is completely arbitrary?
How can 'take seriously the city' when it rests on the sides and on the basis of an RV?
But this would be less.
How can 'fly on the back window and finistreni games that remind us at every moment the real nature of his box?
How can 'tow the camper foneticando the noise of the engine without the nagging presence of his impenetrable and monolithic Clod level curled up inside itself to form an amorphous mass irregularly empty and full clumsy and generated, it seems, by a telluric movement of mud and soil moist and moldy.
How can 'not to suspect that that extension is populated by putrid pathogens mushy gray with hundreds of efferent zazmpette all to a single central pin emanation of scary exoskeleton (mushy).
How does all this' not to cause nausea.
Well over camper for Barbie, Skipper and Ken on Micromachine camper heralds the end of the nuclear family, the era flexibility of the 'wild, the social precarieta'e the chameleon: the era of repression.

Despite this' is not my intention to argue that removal is necessarily a bad thing. Gets really annoying when the most 'cunning predators transform the social, for their own advantage, in the absence of precise and circumstantial', where the information would need to pay on time and expression is lacking in detail. As with the weather when they recite enigmatic "squalls here and there '."
Sara 'liked quell'autorucolo text service quell'approssimazione taken by common sense and translated into the language of complex prediction. As it will be 'proud and how much money will have gone' round the fact that late intuition that all provincial and intellectual taste for the vulgarization of all human development.
What quantity 'not accurate weather information, little more' junk along the lines of that famous mid-season, will be 'sold to broadcasters under the aegis of the "here and there'? What ignorance per kilo will have 'promoted the successful expression?

It tells of an ancient dispute between NASA and Interkosmos (maybe even earlier) when the former was equipped its astronauts with luxurious Space Pen (Pen with pressurized tank) to compensate for the absence of gravity 'needed to power the ball while the Soviets (cosmonauts / farmers - and brains for boot space) would use the usual wooden pencils for their space missions aboard spacecraft ever made of strong and healthy wood.
Behind the rhetoric of genuine hides again to remove. Removing the U.S. space conspiracy epic spectacle use (like everything else in the sixties and seventies) to blackmail the masses. Abrupt removal of a future (this time bipartisan) had promised to them a few years, the abandonment of Earth's crust and the end of the dictatorship of gravity 'natural.
Unable even less of the mice to dig an escape route in sottosulo we were unable to dig a tunnel to escape to the sky (with the exception of no longer 'fashionable ozone hole).

Mars500 and 'a' lobby socially useful "LSU committed to promoting concrete actions" political "and scientific expertise in the development of manned missions to Mars.
Go to Mars and 'less a matter of scientific ethics. Or rather: the utility 'scientific' fact entirely subjective and personal. The need for eschatological and 'instead issue far more' objective and general.
Scientifically has a value certainly not comparable to the exploration of the moons of Jupiter.
welcome then the LSU space complete with a grimace to those who grinned with an air of superiority 'on the eccentric practices of the Mars Society .
Mars500 realized its mission based on their removal to simulate the journey to Mars and the spectacular ammartaggio in a room a few square meters set up as the set of Capricorn One.

We enjoyed the table of real and genuine wood (In fact the mission and 'Russia-EU), which rested on the soil of Mars. Perhaps by far the most 'great act of respect for the viewers in the history of telecommunications.

Emiglino Cicala investigating for some years, as a separate 'cybernetics, the more sense' prorfondo and implications of the emulations.
This' his contribution to the future LSU Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM) in which the camper Micromachine model has played a key role.
"The idea is' to buy a camper and large enough to seal it. The two cosmonauts will lead the campers to a period of time to be defined in biomedical terms. Once delivered, one in the summer months, the two explorers would climb on the roof of the camper filled with water to sink into. In this way, the theoretical model of the simulation contains both elements of the trip and the mission of exploration. Obviously the experience of exploration would be open to anyone, nearby, complete with costume. As a scientist I must admit that I was inspired, in spite of myself, the model of Micromachine.

the horrid interior of the camper Micromachine;
the Space Pen ;
Mars500 with wooden table.

View a larger image.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Andy Honda And Dawson


grated front axle over. Solita hand Ferox awaiting painting.
Labor: 5 hours.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Paddle Boat For Sale 2010

lamiavw third day: 2nd day of work

Continue the work of cheese. Here you can see the left side of the structure that constitutes the front suspension. VW Beetle. The famous suspension torsion bar. Those blades are sticking out of the torsion bar twisting that precisely determine the springing of the wheel, which is' attached to them by the arms of the previous bet.

Solita usual hand scraped and Ferox.

Labor: 3 hours.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Labia Minora During Birth

lamiavw: Restoration and 'generation of buses started

Today I officially started work on the restoration of my VW 1967. First job
disassembly of the front. There are currently only able to remove the arms of the suspension. I'm stuck on the disassembly of the steering head which requires an appropriate tool.
Here are the brackets removed and cleaned up for good. Finally a nice coat of paint to keep them for Ferox.

Labor: 2 hours.
Material: 5 € brushes, thinner, 1.5 €, 10 € Ferox.

Unlimited Minutes Sim Card

VW Transporter third series (1979-92). Ford Transit
second series (1965-78). What


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mobile 24 Pokemon Cristal

murals Vicenza

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Seagram's 100 Pipers Owner

B. Spencer & T. Hill - David di Donatello 2010

deserved Lifetime Achievement Award to two great Italian cinema. Two Gentlemen inventors with a capital of a kind that no longer exists, 'a comedy' overwhelming, never vulgar, suitable for an audience of all ages'.

How To Hang Christmas Garlands And Swags

Bastaaa ! Resign .. How

Orange Brown Bathroomaccessories

blame him?

What is left? It 'important to answer this question in order to understand where we are, how to share. To find out what weapons the city still has in this pseudo democracy. We go for exclusion. We no longer have a vote, we can not express a preference for the election of a parliament. Parliament is then gone. If the House and Senate are excluded from the will of the people, so is the President of the Republic, elected by both Houses assembled, appointed by the leaders of individual parties. Then we also played together with the presidents Napolitano House and Senate. The referendum
, when accepted by the Supreme Court, are located in seaside dates to blow up the quorum, as was the case for the referendum on electoral law. In the miraculous event in which they get the signatures, is no quorum and the popular will prevails parties do not care. Examples do not lack as the referendum victory, the abolition of public funding to political parties and of nuclear power in Italy totally ignored. I started raking in a billion euro and five power plants are in the pipeline.
If you collect signatures for a popular law are buried in the cellars of the Senate. Certified 350,000 signatures for the law " Parliament Clean "waiting since December 2007 without hope of being considered. What means does the city without the vote, parliamentary representation and institutional, the referendum and the popular laws? It 's a separate house democracy. a house which no longer has the keys. The reaction is the fragmentation into a thousand squares with seven events per week, thousands of suggestions that, at least, one has the illusion that count for something, or the indifference of that 40% of Italians who do not vote any more, they no longer believe in anything. In both cases, protest or neglect, the power of a few remains unchanged.
The first reform is to restore the citizens' control of the country that has been stolen. We are fighting with sticks who has a bazooka, and the hosts we are. The keys will be returned. The first step is the discussion of the proposal in the Senate " Clean Parliament" to give voters the right to choose their candidate and send work to the professional politicians who have more than two mandates. The second is to have proactive and referendum without quorum . Who does not go to zero vote counts. The third is the ' direct election of the President of the Republic who is accountable to the country and not to parties. The fourth is the elimination of public funding parties. The fifth is the funding for any expenditure of the state. One step at a time. First I would like Schifani establish as soon as a date for the debate in the Senate of " Clean Parliament" as he promised more than a year ago. 350,000 citizens can not be ignored (and taken for a ride) longer. They never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Strep B Throat Infection

Montanelli calls live on Rai and thanked Travaglio! (And he breaks down ...

Quanine And Benzoic Acid

My Home, my home ..

.. for that little girl you are, you seem an abbey.
on google maps you see my mega condo (1), but you also see my bus (2).

big brother.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Indian My Wifes Boobs

ruling of such failure .. Look at my new tenant

Elder clown convention we call prime minister flew to Berlin, not in search of a judge, but to explain to Chancellor Merkel, who slept there the night, to be " totally indifferent to the decision of the consultation on legitimate impediment because its processes are "ridiculous, on matters for which I was able to ensure that they do not exist, swearing my children and grandchildren "and when he warrant and swear on their children and grandchildren is no need to dwell: the belief on the word. In short "the Court's decision, whatever it is, is not dangerous for the stability of government" .

once, unwittingly, B. told the truth. Not because its processes are based on nothing (Mills, for one, has already been found guilty by the Supreme Court to have been corrupted by B.). But at least those that are currently pending for the prescription : if, as seems likely, the See also rejecting them thaw partially shield, all three would share again. And rest in peace. In the case

Mediaset (tax evasion) and all three judges have been transferred elsewhere. In the case Mills-B. (judicial corruption), the President of the Court has moved to the Court of Appeal and there is little more than a year to celebrate the first, second and third degree. In the case Mediatrade (embezzlement and tax fraud), still in preliminary hearing, the GUP is passed to the court hearing, therefore, will also be replaced and prescription fires in 2015.

B. In addition, even with the simple cause for such failure (the provisions of the Code of Procedure), will be a thousand excuses and quibbles to prove or invent government commitments and scupper almost all the hearings. In any case does not risk jail and even condemnation. All the alarm created around the stability of the government, the fate of the nation and the destiny of humanity in the case where the processes resume is a scam rather cheap and understand all if the information existed in Italy. The need for

"allow the prime minister and ministers the smooth conduct of the functions" heralded by the Law on such failure, around which the Constitutional Court are splitting hairs to find tragicomic "compromise" and "mediations" , is the hoax of the century . B. 17 years coexists peacefully with its investigation and its processes, as well not exist, and the opposition as well (apart from Peter and a few others). So why all this drama? For various reasons, one of the other more unmentionable.

1) To terrorize the judges of Look , charging them with responsibility for political-institutional and non-existent fearing cataclysms of pure fantasy.
2) For a question of principle: the concept of mafia power B. spreads both hands since 1994 - who has the power you judge for yourself - is to enter by force in the Constitution instead of the damn article 3, which is so determined to declare all citizens equal before the law.
3) What scares B. are not the current processes, but those future investigations that may arise from negotiations on the state-mafia and the secret principals of the massacres of 1993 (nobody remembers, but the prime minister is under investigation for murder in Florence Dell'Utri) and other inquiries that we still do not know but he - knowing - already provides for such serious crimes do not include prescription or house arrest.
4) The Di Pietro referendum for or against such failure, Since the law concerns only one person would become a referendum for or against B. And, coupled with administrative spring, might reach a quorum. Citizens are all equal before the law or a more equal than others? For the first time in his career, Cain must present to the voters and finally say the truth: "vote for, if not stop me" .

The Fact Daily, January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pokemon Gold Rom For Mac

[18] Toy Keyboards - The Mix Me DJ and struggle Class - Cobol

Micropupazzo I am a musical duo that define 8bit or micromusicale and 'reductive. Anyway, will remain non 'to describe feats and stunts ( sentiteveli ). Identity 'Dj Darth Water Closet there' then some 'confusion. For years mat64 sotiene be puppets of Micropupazzo. On the other hand, often with Micropupazzo s'esibisce but a puppet 'is called Mat69 which draws its name from mat64. Anyway do not stay 'here to describe achievements and attitudes Mat69 ( see to ).
With Pira666 share a passion for the broccoli and the theory that Micro is actually 'Dj Darth Snowman Water Closet and should be the other component of Micropupazzo on which I have not much to say (' cause I know very little) separately reported by Dj Darth Water Closet but whose identity 'there is still uncertainty.
I often dined at the home of Pira666 eating broccoli and talking about Dj Darth Water Closet.
Micropupazzo The other lives in the north of Italy at Christmas and only encounter with the other Micropupazzo to make up [a bit 'as they did some species of sauropods, which met once a year to breed on the occurrence of certain adverse weather conditions at all before the meteorite that fell extermination 'so the dinosaurs' go-ahead to leave undisturbed the development of mammals with fur and warm capacity 'adaptive higher (a vision is certainly a bit' mammiferocentrica)]. However, DJ Darth Water Closet and 'one who lives in Rome and often in the absence of Micro or Snowman is just a DJ accompanied by Mat69 Darth Water Closet.
History and Mat69 'than breathtaking. Within 'to be part of Micropupazzo during a live in a converted church in Ostia (district south of Rome to the sea). It was on that same occasion that Pira666 inaugurate 'the inverted pentagram as a symbol of official' Microm Headquarters (now a little 'in rest). To be paused and not 'the fact that inverted pentagram with the approach of 2012 and' the center of a new found spirituality ', but rather the Headquarters.
Some components just do not know what they do: the Flavio do they do? or the SecretLab J8b! t for example? Some parts just do not 'never understood what they do. So for the latter the absence and 'less obvious. Buskerdroid after mat64 dell'Headquarter instead became the leader we know that always makes a lot of things.
To be fair there was a letter of very painful and Micropupazzo J8b! T announcing the abandonment dell'Headquarter years ago. What's Behind 'without major incidents. Maybe a little 'bitterness of those words at times harsh and cruel.
dall'Headquarter A shared passion was to make meetings in the hot volcanic waters near the city 'of Viterbo. On these occasions Pira666 celebrating the epiphany of the god who inhabits the swamps and primitive mating ritual practiced with the sulphurous springs. As' doing sprinkle with mud.
the pools we went with the car that mat64 to tell the truth in an eccentric guide (Must be said). In fact, it should also be said that Microman and 'another eccentric but at least do not drive or at least I am not.
Surely nell'Headquarter Emiglino and I have always been the least active in finding live. Then he also became common practice to us the speck 'cause once we noticed that we had to open tentatively always live. Since then we have no more 'playing for the first or at least almost never again' to my memory.
The idea was to those of their social engineering.
Open a live does have its disadvantages as well close it. There are also disadvantages to being in the middle. But that 'not if it leaves.
Then it happened that my complaint and that of Emiglino opened new and very favorable outlook for Dj Darth Water Closet and as all the DJs from the world and that 'the world, opening the live music electro, electronic,' cause otherwise, Micromuse. I mean not 'the headquarters always sounded all together. There 's always been some turnover, but there was no more' Dj Darth Water Closet to open all called to live together in Mat69.
Soon Dj Darth Water became very rich.
But this does not change '. He continued to dress like a homeless and deprived of skating without a plan.
DJ Darth Water Closet loves to wear long hair like mat64. Pero 'mat64 combing and also shows a certain taste in dress sporty. Perhaps those who dress better between the components are dell'Headquarter Roman Flavio. While the more physical 'care and' certainly one of Microman fact that flaunts an 8bit energetic and muscular.
The ubiquitous 'Dj Darth Water Closet port' me and Emiglino almost always playing for second. However
had been created a strange situation: the more 'between rich micromusic, Dj Darth Water Closet, always played first. On the other hand to ring me first and Emiglino have rekindled an outbreak and this time it would even could challenge topics relating to the now famous class struggle.
The idea was to break the live mat64 and Pira666 into two parts: an initial (to warm the audience waiting for Darth Water Closet and Dj Mat69) and then lifted up in the middle of a live position more 'convenient and congenial. The two began playing folk songs Romans.
A very original lineup as a whole: liveset intro, intro dj set, we (who introduced the others), the other, those of the intro of the new live set, creating a situation without solution of continuity ': the paradoxical temporal point of view, but more 'adapted to the new geo-economic scenario of Micromuse Roman.
Then Dj Darth Water Closet was called to Crack a great play on stage together with J8b! T while the others played in the cave of the known relativistic effects. But we already 'there has Emiglino reported. Strange
just the two bands who wanted to leave on stage Microm, the other in the cave to experience the relativistic effects.

Now I have decided to restore the Mix Me DJ (that of Fotina above) in the ungrammatical here description and a bit 'of sound samples. It 's not just that we can do anything with this toy console. The samples are few and radicalized sull'house nineties. Pero ', for example, can you attach an external drive. At what point its possibilities' sound is expanding significantly. The volumes are all out of step and send-time effects and 'virtually impossible. This we have.
With this new equipment I hope to break the dictatorship Dj Darth Water Closet and restore the timeline almost completely compromised.

See a larger picture of the Me Dj Mix .

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Human Body Temps Of 96.5


There was a time in the distant future when the here and now 'replace' the background completely. Can stop to weigh long sequences and replacing them with the diachronic literary invention, the subterfuge, finance synchronic with the lie, he solved many of the current issues challenging philosophical questions raised by the human species as he could 'finally devote himself undisturbed to the redefinition of time.
But not for this, even this time it became better.

On the other hand, the path was very long and studded with a darker future. But no one could ever 'de facto state to be resurfaced because 'the memory of something lit was weakened to the point of pushing, in the distant past, research on the frequency of ultraviolet dell'antefatto. Those who venture 'along that path of research will not come back', at least not in the timeline in which he had started. Some times the return just preceded the departure while in other, more 'complex packages of events before they joined in packets of successive events going to be a new unit' of geometrical minimum time: the Cronotone , apodictic coterie of time monotheist, notary seal on a feeling that by the end of the experiment all time and all future redemption. Perception more and more 'depth and clarity on the loss of the binary world of illusion that even though he offered little, until then, a differential in electric transit.
It was only then that we were, for the first time, truly alone.

In the future the future, in a time geometrically static, never existed more than 'another future source of latency between a "now" and "then". In the future all of the future had to happen here, here and now or else was never gonna 'happen.
only from our point of view of time and 'still possible to distinguish a future of the future of the future that will give you soon 'account.
but before the abolition of the concept of a future richiedette surgical revision Cronotone time by the timelines in which they were taken apart piece by piece (how many) from the stable in which diachronic succession continues until then had been organized spontaneously.

If we report on the future of the future will know that the fluidity 'of their present, was obtained against massive ciotoloni hypothetical particles impacting the island of Caprera so' from "contaminating", again hypothetically, the past. Mutandolo [but I've already 'thoroughly told in the past]. In agreement with our present means of mercenaries or ignorant (as in the case of the undersigned) from the cingulate cortex well developed in the future of the future can feed back on this undermining the chain of random events (again hypothetically).
future and the future of the 'cognitive environment very different from ours. You can imagine it (you by the able-bodied track) as an extreme simplification of the current one. However, the simplification, it was discovered ', it works in inverse relation to consistency, producing a great disorder in which no one has more' knowledge sufficient to express any opinion.

Most 'ideological among you will recognize this practice in the future of the future with something familiar to some practices of the present. However, in this there is no sound scientific basis to the practice of denial. No one could argue, for example, have made some public statement in a declaration that the same continuum, but it 's never happened in the new continuum produced by a new collision accelerator conveniently situated on what was once the Tower of the Greek . Awkwardly in this such a practice should be strongly underpinned by decrees and laws ad personam (obviously cumbersome).

dialogue the better future of the future and the future 'much more' simple future of the future. However, its consequential chains are fiendishly complex. There is a new unit 'of measure to evaluate in general all the issues called solvency' traversable: beyond a certain threshold (actually very low) the unresolved question is approved, left open and completely re-written in Klingon language. However, some issues left over from time to time create a little 'time of confusion.
course in the future the future of the future 'no one studies the Klingon already' banned in the famous Gelmini a bill which corrected some regulatory gaps that the first chopper had inexplicably forgotten, like the sharing of space between the new fourth-generation nuclear power plants and the powers' scientific.
The motto of this enlightened land use decisions was': "You wanted the bike? And now ride ", but nevertheless make it apparent to the contrary, it is not 'heroic warning of a dynamo as the braggart potential atomic age'. Soon then lost sight of the sense of the refined statement. Pomigliano start 'a feverish construction of chrome cadillac result of a radical reduction in the lunch break. The white refrigerator in every home became a dream and the new futuristic family Italian. Some felt 'obliged to shout to the economic boom. Then the TV by 'in every house and they all look' Canzonissima and sang and everyone wanted to become accountants 'cause when the money circulates there' always need someone who calculates the speed (and an accountant is always to work ). Then came the Years of Lead, the New Wave (both beautiful than that ugly), Nirvana, Tokyo Hotel and god knows what else (only ELISA Rivaombrosa, Jacob, Rome and the north tower of the Greek never came back ' . One more 'I explain later' which also physical phenomena more 'extreme rationality have their own' self-preservation of species facing more 'or less consciously generate them). In short, the future of the future of the future pay 'dearly the time wicked choices for the future and the future of Cronotone [on which I hope you appreciate the fact that I have not dwelt in detailed technical details (or rather I had written and then erased by boredom. But if I can post them on request. I do not guarantee.)]. And never again 'is no dream' of what reducing something to a.
Now, as the Klingon and 'a language almost forgotten many believe it is an alien language, but after the wrong war against the lunatics took place in the future of the future (war in which, as you will recall, was alas' first degravitata and then destroyed Rome north) all are careful not to declare a new war against other civilizations 'alien even if their outstanding issues terribly complicated life to the land forcing them to invent the solvency' traversable, Wham, Gabriel Garko and god knows what and how many other gadgets. Some argue that Jacob
horribly horribly mutilated and then perished during the war against the unlikely lunatics continue to live in the pilot episode of Elisa Rivaombrosa looking Moth Man-style cronotonico. But the more 'strange that the other characters in the drama (ELISA) should not notice anything unusual. And nothing strange even notice when at the end of episode one part piece of Duran Duran.

the future course of the future of the future could not be satisfied with a mechanism for the redefinition of time yet so 'primitive and false. No one would ever again 'dell'italodisco agreed to the return of the eighties.
The remedy discovered belonged to the prehistoric world. Even preceded the TV commercial.
The nickname will be the intellectual that he was buckled 'to biopolitics.

At its twentieth-century biopolitics was presented as a process of intrusion of politics and control early in biology. The mapping of the human genome seems to 'the realization of this process and also its most point' advanced.
But the future of the future of the future had in Serbian and many other more 'subtle strategies with parliamentary act when he decided to sacrifice the imperfect mechanism in the second act of McCarthyism Cronotone cognitive that our planet has known (or will know'): the persecution of super well in the cingulate gyrus, which broke, in fact, such hypothetical contacts with the past.
For the first time in the history of the future, the past, is' really be alone, without other contacts with himself, with no other possibility 'of redemption in itself. Without other civilizations' alien though they were the only Klingon.
The last of the last particle collision against the last of the island of Caprera ciotolone produced (on a purely hypothetical) statements (in the past) Geraint Reese 's Institute of Cognitive Neeuroscience University College London. Afterwards
'Tower on the Greek was leveled and a huge amount helpless' concrete future in memory of the last with the words: "from here (but really just by chance) and' past for the last Once your future. "

In the past, unidentified, exactly half 'way between the future of our present and future of the Institute of Cognitive Neeuroscience University College London decree' that right and left sides was simply a biologically determined choice: thickening of the amygdala to the personality 'conservative or development of the anterior cingulate to the personality' progressive. However it was gone for good scientific induction would have to serve the Prince.
The twenty years of confusion that will follow '(in the past) will remain' an act of scholastic for the future of politics of the future of the future.
fucked up any form of free will emerged the most 'diverse theories as a seal of the most' reckless attitudes cultural tide of junk undisputed guru of commercial television predestined to great acclaim for the genetic traits of strong chin, MPs elected on the basis sexual appetites facing its constituency, caskets from newsstands big star of television Gabriell Garko, patristic exegesis cross stitch files in comfortable, earth-moving vehicles in perfect miniature iron, prime contractors and workers at the same time.
In the future the future of the future changes occurred with the velocity 'of the decree directly and deliberately law inscribed on the bodies. "Nothing is 'yet' and 'everything'" became identical phrases in spite of the shaky Cronotone indeterminism.

I warned that in future the future of the future things are complicatamente more 'simple.

Even more 'radically in the future of the whole future of the future had to happen here, here and now own or otherwise was never gonna' happen.

See episode 1 / 5
See episode 2 / 5
See episode 3 / 5
See episode 4 / 5

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Largest Curling Barrel

Mr. Eastwood (on your left).
My Christmas gift, belllliiiisssssimo!

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.. Happy New Year!

Happy 1974 everyone!
We hope that this dirty war to end.
