Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How Far Away Should A Table Be From The Couch

Here are the latest publications online, and some articles published on the pages of the daily paper of our province, on topics from politics and civil society over the past 15 days on our territory:






provincial elections


We thank the following newspapers, having been carefully and professionally
themes and topics covered during the year.
They hope a good end and a gracious and abundant new year:
Casertanews. it

Hello Caserta
Il Corriere di Caserta
The Morning
La Gazzetta di Caserta



Letter Of Permission To Travel


The II Permanent Council Commission has approved the bill regional financial for 2010. The text, along with the overall Budget , has been placed today on December 30, examination of the Regional Council.
Among the main initiatives envisaged by the budget law, to report:
  • between principles (Article 1), the ban the privatization of water resources (providing that, in the absence of agreements with the state on policies relating to the distribution companies of 'drinking water companies operating in the Campania region must have an absolute majority shareholding with public participation and that all forms currently in management of the water service company with entirely private or mixed decay with effect from the dates of service contracts outstanding) and the ban the installation of production facilities nuclear electricity , manufacturing and storage of spent nuclear fuel as well as deposits of radioactive materials;
  • between rules to promote employment (Article 2) the provision of a employment incentives for firms taking indefinite layoff workers in extraordinary gains, recorded in the lists of mobility and unemployed and unemployed, as well as an appropriation of 50 million euro for the tax credit for the increase Employment ;
  • between sustainable development measures (Article 3), the financial commitment to give priority to projects concerning the cleaning of coastal waters Domitio Flegreo and to submit by June 30, 2010, a plan for beach nourishment of the coast against the phenomenon of coastal erosion;
  • between standards in support of agriculture (Article 4), the establishment of a "solidarity fund and support farms in a state of extreme emergency economic and market ", with a budget of € 10 million for 2010;
  • between measures to reduce social inequalities (Article 5), extending for 2010 the trial of citizen's income, providing coverage to those entitled to a maximum of 30 million euro;
  • between measures of rationalize spending ( art. 6), 25% reduction , compared to 2009, of consultancy fees and the Executive Council for 2010, as well as the reduction to one third of the remuneration of directors of investee companies, in the event of unjustified losses of more than one fifth of the capital social.

Pinky Buffie The Body

Policlinico di Caserta

Questions of stars on the fate of the workers get the "Christmas gift": Burc published on the two-month extension for the layoffs.

"Grant treatments notwithstanding article 2 paragraph 36 n.46449 OF L 203/08 of 07.07.2009, the institutional arrangements for 11 / 3 / 09 and 21 - 07/28/2009 - Framework Agreement of 4/27/2009 - and with the Regional Board Resolution No. 1209 of 07.07.2009, Agreement with the Regional Directorate of Social Security Grant extension CIGS 09/07/2009 to 31/12/2009 in derogation .... "
So quotes paper published in the Official Bulletin of the Campania Region No 79. Not a final satisfaction, but at least a stopgap measure that will allow the breath to about 200 workers used in the construction of the Polyclinic still too long.

last question in this regard, the Regional Director Joseph Stellato had specifically asked to know which acts the Regional intended to take to protect the legitimate positions of employees and especially if they were extended to the granting of unemployment benefits at variance with the current legislation is laid down. 2 paragraph 36 of Law No 203 of 22/12/2008 (Finance Law 2009), as determined by OF n.46449 of 07/07/2009. Institutional Agreement of 11 / 3 / 09 and the Framework Agreement 27.04.2009. Regional Council Resolution No. 1209 of 07/07/2009. Social Security Agreement with the Regional Directorate of 07/09/2009, to employees referred to in Decree No 17 AGC leadership 109 of July 30, 2009 regarding the seat of Caserta to the INPS Ltd IMMOBILGI Federici Stirling - Caserta (CE) SCRL-Policlinico di Caserta - Caserta (CE), published on Burc No 60, October 7, 2009.

" The issue of Hospital - says the Director - be resolved at 360 degrees, from whatever angle you look, considering all the implications of which we have repeatedly discussed, social, economic development, etc.. The most urgent, however, that is definitely worth a necessary response of course is related to the workers, who, unfortunately, an urgency that goes beyond the timing technique. Two-month extension can hardly be called a permanent solution, but at least give a hint of breath to a situation that for these men and their families has become untenable. "

CAMPANIA Region Official Gazette No. 79
AGC 17 - Education - Education - Vocational Training - Youth Policy Forum and
Regional Youth - Regional Labour Market Observatory (ORME.L.) - Sector Monitoring Labour Market and Employment , Emigration and Immigration - executive decree No 161, December 4, 2009 -

To see the clinic (Table Tools) page.

1 to 4

10 to 11

35 to 39

42 to 43

Therapies In Relation To Orthodox Treatment

PD - Territorial Circles

Coordination provisional bridge is a device to get united and prepared the next elections.

"This device, as well as the regional - says Regional Councillor Joseph Stellato , a member of the Coordination Provincial Party - is a transitional arrangement and serves at this particular time, very sensitive to the political life of the area, to overcome any and all divisions within the party.

On the basis of what he has done the provincial coordination, even in common, therefore, will create nuclei of comparison for you to activate joint solutions can provide immediate answers to a province that was not fully represented by the Democratic Party.
official statement says so well we agreed that it considers necessary to promote maximum unity to deal with the upcoming elections.
is needed now that the party is one body, a group represented smoothing of every soul of PD, this to prepare for what are the steps that Congress will be held immediately after the elections. "

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dragon Ball Kamehasutra Read Online

Regional Council - Satisfaction with the electoral law

" The Constitutional Court considers the regional option in accordance with the principles of the Charter and the fundamental guarantee of both kinds. " It goes to the next administration ...

The hearing on the constitutionality of new law Regional elections, anticipated in mid-December as requested by the Campania Region, adopted by the Constitutional Court, gave wide margins of satisfaction to those who discussed the limits and possibilities.

" The government had challenged the law in several respects - says the Regional Director Joseph Stellato, who participated in the debate - belief that there was incorrect assessment of the majority premium, but the real political problem related to the lawfulness or otherwise of the opportunity to express two preferences only on the condition that same applies to persons of different sexes. The government therefore took the view that such a system was restricting the freedom of voting, creating situations of substantial influence.
The Court Constitutional Court deemed that the regional option was consistent with the principles of our basic charter and above would guarantee both genres, all in line with the principles of equality on the one hand and holding elective offices for the other.
The Court's decision is therefore gratifying for us because it is a fundamentally new principle, opens in concrete terms the way to overcoming limitations and barriers that should be put aside. It 'clear that the identification of operational tool that can not be the first step for effective participation: the word, that is, by legislation now goes to the policy that it will use the tools on the basis of the principles that have sustained them. Therefore, we will prepare for the new election date taking into account the changes in the rules and requirements underpinning these. "

New Techs To Masterbation

Consortia Basin - The Regional Council calls upon the Government

Consortium One of the provinces of Naples and Caserta, Stellato: "You get back the contents and spirit of the regional law on waste."

Hearing, in these days before holidays, VII in Commission for the issue regarding the management of consortia and in particular the Basin Consortium One of the provinces of Naples and Caserta, and provincial society formed for the management of plant, as a result intervention of the Constitutional Court. In essence, the Court considered that the person appointed to the management of waste can not be identified on the basis of a single model nor can be represented by a company to full public capital. This tool, in fact, not part of a competitive mechanism, and the consequent exclusion of a possibility of comparative proposals, even by private individuals, would violate the Community rules on competition.

The Commission, having heard the speeches of the representatives of the Consortium Salerno, dr. Fiorillo, and Caserta, dr. Venditto, representatives of municipalities, including the Deputy Mayor of the City of Naples Giacomelli, has decided to request assistance from the Government that would allow existing facilities to operate in practice. Councillor Stella has stressed the urgent need for action by retrieving the content and spirit of the regional law on waste.

" In this regard the delays and difficulties have also been determined by the overlap of sources state - explains Stellato - that have absolutely make concrete contributions to solving organizational problems. In essence, the confused state legislative action has helped to increase and not to unravel the structural problems in a matter undoubtedly complex, in which only the real knowledge of land issues could point the way for a strategy to really go out of the crisis. The question, however, will return within the region with all the unresolved problems that the management commissioner failed to address. "

also took part in the discussion Chessa adviser and minister Colasanto. The work was coordinated by the President Ragosta.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hiv Primary Rash Disappears


Just for today

1) Just for today I will try to live for the day without wishing to solve the problems of my life all at once.

2) Just for today I will take the greatest care of my appearance: I will dress modestly, do not raise my voice, I will be courteous in my behavior, do not criticize anyone, I will not try to improve or to discipline anyone except myself.

3) Just for today I will be happy in the certainty that I was created to be happy, not only in the world, but in this too.

4) Just for today I will adapt to circumstances, without requiring all circumstances to be adapted to my own wishes.

5) Just for today I will devote ten minutes of my time to sit in silence listening to God, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so the silence and listening are necessary for the life of the soul.

6) Only for today, I will do one good deed and not tell anyone.

7) Just for today I will be a program may not follow it perfectly, but I will. And I'll watch the two evils: hurry and indecision.

8) Just for today I'll know from my heart, despite appearances, that the existence takes care of me like no one else in the world.

9) Just for today I will have no fears. In particular, I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe in love.

10) I can well do this for 12 hours me consternation were I thought of having to do all his life.

(Pope John)

From the Secretariat Stellato

and from all its components:

Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year

Friday, December 11, 2009

Fax Cover Sheets Confidential Comments

Regional Council - Plan Case, the green light to law

Regional Council - Plan Case, Stars: "There are areas in the province of Caserta already identified, the old industrial containers now incorporated into the city structure. This is not an absolute law of amnesty. "

After various vicissitudes, the assembly room has given the green light to law. As already extensively discussed in these months of waiting, it is a complex measure, the fruit and consequence of a broader agreement-state region in terms of, first, to revive the economy through construction activity, and for ' other things, to areas no longer used and degraded in urban centers. The measure, as is already known, will be a safe tool to support economic recovery and to allow, even in our centers, the recovery of entire sectors of construction, provided infrastructure, no longer used, and therefore constitute the substantial gaps urban.

" It is a very serious measure, if its value is understood by the Administration could be a starting point for urban renewal - illustrates the Regional Director Joseph Stellato - if these together with private individuals, will capture the innovative value of this regulatory body, the positive fallout on the territories of perception can be effectively immediate and visible. In the province of Caserta there are obviously areas already identified represented by all those old industrial containers now incorporated into the city structure. To ascertain very specific, however, you need a comprehensive audit of all the conditions.
Rassicuriamoci, the expected pattern of intervention can prevent moments of aggression to the territory , if one considers that there are some exclusions objective of intervention, as has been left to government may exclude some areas from the territorial application of the law. The law in fact passes through the building permit and the municipalities will be in control of the territory administrations can therefore exclude from the Case Plan those subjects that do not meet the criteria. To better understand: the duration of the Act is 18 months, during which interested parties can advance to the authorities concerned, its instances. The most delicate aspect of the entire law relating to Article 5 provides that, as previously mentioned, shares in the degraded areas, or those in brownfield sites. In such cases, however, the intervention will be subject to 'identification of a significant proportion of interventions to be allocated to social housing or settled. As you can see, this is an excellent opportunity on which to invest in the future of our centers. The first type of intervention provides increased by 50% of the existing building volumes for the demolition and reconstruction but not for buildings not exceeding one thousand cubic meters.

The second is in combining this with the need to reclaim abandoned or otherwise unused currently in serious decline overall in areas with a size of not more than 15 thousand square meters and at , as aforesaid, in this case the region must reserve 30% of these interventions to social housing, so it is this second category of operations that would lead to greater concern, though, it must be said that proper management of these areas, will overcome any concerns Controversy ? Yes, of course, he's talked too much, as there have been any decision on a law so important, but in this case, the final resolution was bipartisan and found absolutely right and left agree.
remember however once again the citizens that it is not a law of amnesty ever, represents a viable and exciting opportunity that requires commitment and intelligence into operational decisions. " .

Monday, December 7, 2009

Can Blackberry Work On Sim

Santa Maria Capua Vetere - Inauguration of the Immaculate Conception Church

It was inaugurated today December 7, the new structure of the Church of the Immaculate Conception in via John Paul in Santa Maria Capua Vetere. A project of long memory that goes back to the old administration, governed by the then mayor Enzo Iodice. It is therefore a coveted project, whose works were completed and that only now was greeted by personalities. Also present were the Bishop of Santa Maria Capua, Archbishop Bruno Schettino, the priests who accompanied him, the pastor of the Church, Father Clement Basilicata, the Regional Director Joseph Stellato.
"The project - confirmation Stellato - dates back to 2004-2005, the City had time to grant the land to build the structure, after another exchange with the good of the Curia, was then given a in granting exemption. At the material time it woke up a fuss and there was a long debate on the issue, the City Council was signed at that time and we insisted that this exemption could be granted. In short, a project of the Church of the Immaculate Conception winning a long battle.

satisfaction for this initiative coming to fruition is really great, the church would have to replace another old structure that was born very small and limited on site and that is ill-suited the question of the faithful. Well now you insert in the urban setting, serves a wide range of citizens and certainly will be an important meeting place thanks to impregnation of Father Clement recognized by many as a reference point as well as within the community , Edgardo Olimpo enjoys the same credit, another city councilor of the evening.

inauguration was also the local council, the mayor Giudicianni, and some other representatives, we therefore hope that this presence is the trace of another sign of strengthening between this administration and the citizens Sammaritani.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Highlights On Dark Hair

City of Santa Maria Capua Vetere - Replica of stars Giudicianni:

"This attitude is incomprehensible and unjustified on the facts as they are not interested. The good of the city? The city's priorities seem to be completely disregarded. "

"For me, the conduct and statements by the Mayor of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, dr. Giancarlo Giudicianni, are totally incomprehensible and deprived of any attachment to material facts in any way related to me.
I always thought that the Administration should work in coordination with the political forces and in particular with the party who wanted to organize into unions of Giudicianni.
then I am unable to understand what is the good of the city referred to by the Mayor and that could be pursued only in my absence. The tools of my limited knowledge and capacity for logic do not allow me to peer into the depths of another's human thought.

There is no doubt however that the lawyer Pappadà, representing, among others, one of the best energies of the entire city council. Choices about who has worked in the council were and are the result of careful consideration of the case relating to the property via Latin, although it has been able to investigate the whole matter I would not criticize or disapprove of the evaluation that has Pappadà because of the acts and conduct administrative undoubtedly confused and certainly not the result of a management of the most clear and straightforward " .
If I am not mistaken and if I understand - continues Stellato - were allocated funds for a transaction with Banco di Napoli, recovering from the residual assets of the budget and not through an ignition of the mortgage, as originally planned. In that situation probably would have been reviewed the reasons for a decision about that transaction, then the whole in relation to a matter that already years ago was the subject of criminal sentence.

I do not feel in equal measure to express any reservations on the attitude of those, evidently on the basis of other considerations unknown to me, decided to speak favorably to the proposed resolution. In any case, it was still a free and independent choice of a city councilman - even particularly close to me - that has nothing to do with the political relations between the various institutions, such as the mayor on one side and the subscribed, the regional adviser on the other. With regard to the Auditor, dr. Vincenzo Carusone, I do not think this has ever lose its institutional duties, had always expressed its opinion in the correct way, similarly to what has been done by other members of the Board. I do not think, however, that invitations to be correct horas organ of a technical nature.

This, indeed, I would almost think that it has instead been a pretext seized upon, but certainly is just a guess, probably unfounded.
For the rest, what to say, I never doubted that any mayor, even the most inexperienced, may wish to work for the good of the city. The basic problem is to understand what is meant by "good of the city " and especially How is it to pursue it. The priorities, in our opinion, are called school, services, employment, living, business, public parks and just do not know how many and which of these initiatives are in progress in this direction, given the extreme incompleteness of information coming from this administration . The subjective impressions then, I do not affect, at least not in this context " .