The II Permanent Council Commission has approved the bill regional financial for 2010. The text, along with the overall Budget , has been placed today on December 30, examination of the Regional Council.
Among the main initiatives envisaged by the budget law, to report:
- between principles (Article 1), the ban the privatization of water resources (providing that, in the absence of agreements with the state on policies relating to the distribution companies of 'drinking water companies operating in the Campania region must have an absolute majority shareholding with public participation and that all forms currently in management of the water service company with entirely private or mixed decay with effect from the dates of service contracts outstanding) and the ban the installation of production facilities nuclear electricity , manufacturing and storage of spent nuclear fuel as well as deposits of radioactive materials;
- between rules to promote employment (Article 2) the provision of a employment incentives for firms taking indefinite layoff workers in extraordinary gains, recorded in the lists of mobility and unemployed and unemployed, as well as an appropriation of 50 million euro for the tax credit for the increase Employment ;
- between sustainable development measures (Article 3), the financial commitment to give priority to projects concerning the cleaning of coastal waters Domitio Flegreo and to submit by June 30, 2010, a plan for beach nourishment of the coast against the phenomenon of coastal erosion;
- between standards in support of agriculture (Article 4), the establishment of a "solidarity fund and support farms in a state of extreme emergency economic and market ", with a budget of € 10 million for 2010;
- between measures to reduce social inequalities (Article 5), extending for 2010 the trial of citizen's income, providing coverage to those entitled to a maximum of 30 million euro;
- between measures of rationalize spending ( art. 6), 25% reduction , compared to 2009, of consultancy fees and the Executive Council for 2010, as well as the reduction to one third of the remuneration of directors of investee companies, in the event of unjustified losses of more than one fifth of the capital social.
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