Consortium One of the provinces of Naples and Caserta, Stellato: "You get back the contents and spirit of the regional law on waste."
Hearing, in these days before holidays, VII in Commission for the issue regarding the management of consortia and in particular the Basin Consortium One of the provinces of Naples and Caserta, and provincial society formed for the management of plant, as a result intervention of the Constitutional Court. In essence, the Court considered that the person appointed to the management of waste can not be identified on the basis of a single model nor can be represented by a company to full public capital. This tool, in fact, not part of a competitive mechanism, and the consequent exclusion of a possibility of comparative proposals, even by private individuals, would violate the Community rules on competition.
" In this regard the delays and difficulties have also been determined by the overlap of sources state - explains Stellato - that have absolutely make concrete contributions to solving organizational problems. In essence, the confused state legislative action has helped to increase and not to unravel the structural problems in a matter undoubtedly complex, in which only the real knowledge of land issues could point the way for a strategy to really go out of the crisis. The question, however, will return within the region with all the unresolved problems that the management commissioner failed to address. "
also took part in the discussion Chessa adviser and minister Colasanto. The work was coordinated by the President Ragosta.
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