Thursday, January 28, 2010

How To Save Pokemon Crstaly On Playr

A brief resume blog updates


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mont Blanc Retailers, Jacksonville, Fl

House Plan - The redevelopment of brownfield sites is delicate but it is an opportunity not to be missed. "

in the province of Caserta

... Opportunities and challenges for Earth Work

THURSDAY ' 21 January at 17:30
S door M air C Apua V ether

A conference on the House floor, another would say, given the various meetings on the land put in place a political force over another, by a municipality, by representatives of institutions in general, but none of these is a debate slot. The opportunity to deepen a measure of local government and to the territories in general is, as things of great importance.
On 21 January, at the Teatro Garibaldi, then another meeting will discuss the new law on the House floor. Regional Councillor and Vice Chairman of Commission IV that the law was passed, along with the City Council of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, considered the foundation of this law and deemed necessary to learn how to take all shades so it can be applied to the best of both in urban and suburban.
the public debate, then open to citizenship, there will be no coincidence that leading figures in the assessment and reflection in this regard will clarify any doubts or inconsistencies between the meshes of the law.

" The measure - precise Stellato - as already known, will be a safe tool to support economic recovery and to allow, even in our centers, the recovery of entire sectors of construction, provided infrastructure, no longer used, and that therefore, are of substantial urban voids. In the province of Caserta there are obviously areas already identified, in particular, as repeatedly stated, all those old industrial containers now incorporated into the city structure. For a concrete individual, however, you need a comprehensive audit. "

law, remember, passing through the building permit, then the municipalities will be in control of the territory, the government may exclude from the Case Plan those subjects not covered the established criteria. The Meeting on Thursday, wants to take stock of their own procedures, mechanisms that will allow not only the public but also private citizens to be able to enjoy the benefits of the measure.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Milena Velba Bathrobe

landfill San Tammaro - Stars: "provincialization waste a failure.

Caserta I have to pay the TARSU also the work of the consortium Salerno 2 ".
has now spent more than a month after the end of emergency decreed on waste December 17 by the Berlusconi government, but the Province of Caserta continues to be humiliated and relegated to the status of regional sversatoio. This area of \u200b\u200bthe landfill and San Tammaro S. Maria la Fossa , was for many years and continues to be the safety valve that ensures the safety and regularity of the flows of regional disposal.
" We have welcomed the move to the ordinary - says Regional Councillor Joseph Stellato - as this would mean, first, provincialization waste and that is the end of the possibility that endures the continuous flow from the city of Naples and its province in the name of regional solidarity that has never recorded a even minimal reciprocity.
We have the illusion that all this could end with the restoration of the legal principle of provincialization and especially with the transfer of power to the provinces and then to the public. To date, however, the landfill in San Tammaro, compared to a provincial production of 800 tonnes per day, continues to receive over 2,000 tons of garbage from, mostly from other provinces and above all from that of Naples.
unacceptable situation, but obviously possible for the inattention and lack of sensitivity of non-elected bodies that now govern our province and allow even that the landfill is managed provincial by a consortium of Salerno who has certainly not greater than the capacity of management structures and Caserta, of course, manages our landfill only understandable but not justifiable in order to protect their interests business without worrying about the origin of the waste receiving .
consequence of such a framework is that the province of Caserta, although it responsibly and without fanfare, and immediately accepted the choice of one of the largest landfills in the Campania region, will see it filled in few months extraprovinciali waste and, therefore, will be the first province to find themselves in emergency despite the great sacrifice already.
again and, if possible, even more serious implication is that management by a consortium Salerno also economically penalizing our citizens with the TARSU not only have to pay many employees of the Consortium already unique, but even also take responsibility costs of employees of the Consortium Salerno 2 which should instead be paid by the citizens of the province of Salerno .
Of all the Province of Caserta can not fail to acknowledge and take responsibility, now, to restore the respect for territorial protection of the interests of citizens Caserta. Failure to do so, parties, associations and elected representatives of the Province can not help but to feel strong and to ensure that their voice will come to elect a provincial council that will only take note of a situation already compromised and manage a new waste crisis, intolerable and it is unknown whether more solvable. "

Friday, January 15, 2010

View Two Webcams At Once Usb

system of organ transplantation in the Campania Stellato AIDO

"I intend to submit a bill for amendment, agreed with the associations voluntary donation so that we can have an efficient organizational model of the system transplants in our region. "

decision to donate organs after their death is an act of great generosity
and civilization that can save also led to more than one person, unfortunately there are too few organs to be donated in the area. One patient in five dies waiting for a heart, a liver, a kidney. The latest figures show that in Campania are the 40 percent opposition, and many "No" to organ donation.
Regione Campania , among its institutional duties include the protection of the right to health of citizens, has undertaken several initiatives with the aim of developing activities to address the organ donation and transplantation critical shortage of donations in our region.
In this context, has raised concerns Resolution of the Regional Council of Campania No 1977 of 31.12.2009, by which have been identified at the AORN A. Cardarelli, "UOC IV Anesthesia and Intensive Care and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology of the liver transplant center, the headquarters of the Regional Coordination Withdrawals (CRP) and the Regional Transplant Centre (CRT).
As noted by the Regional Council Joseph Stellato identification at the AORN A. Cardarelli "the seat of the Regional Coordination Withdrawals (CRP) and the Regional Transplant Centre (CRT), managing the waiting lists and allocation of organs, transplant centers where there are, appointed to carry out the transplants themselves, can generate a possible conflict of interest between transplant professionals and those responsible for the activity of completing the list of patients awaiting transplants and the allocation of organs.
The Regional Council has therefore presented a question time in order to ensure that patients waiting for organ transplantation, compliance with the constitutional principle of equality, of 'fairness and transparency, and the observation of the criterion of chronological priority together with the compatibility of organs between donor and recipient, to ensure that organs are allocated according to public rules.

" I intend to submit such a bill, agreed with the voluntary donation and transplantation of organs, so that we can have an efficient and guaranteed organizational and functional model of the system in Campania Transplantation "- said Stellato - the particulars relating to shares and on measures to be taken are contained, including the aspects relating to the business of organ donation and transplantation in the Law No regional 24, December 19, 2006: "Hospital Regional Plan for the period 2007-2009, and specifically in Chapter 7 of "Guidelines for the remodeling of the hospital for the period 2007-2009, which governs the section 7.5 of the 'activities transplantation", the Regional Centres of Reference, the Intensive Care Centers and Transplant Centers. Always the same Act in subsection 4 provides that one-twelfth of the regional directors may submit a bill to amend. "

" We note with satisfaction - notes Gennaro Castaldo , Regional President AIDO - the proximity of the Adviser Stellato. Transplantation restores life. There are a few donations for cultural reasons, especially for poor mental reservations and information, but also because there is greater cooperation between the Health Department of Campania Region with voluntary associations, which are known to measures, which leave many perplexities, without the slightest involvement and consultation with such organizations, working in Campania in the field of donation and organ transplantation.
Need a comparison on issues related to donations and transplants in the continuity of actions, such as the course started in schools with teachers. Voluntary associations play a key role, are a crucial resource. E 'desirable that we can proceed in the future, together with a collaborative spirit, each within its competence, to win the battle for life "

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Learn Brazilian Wax Online

in the province of Caserta

... Opportunities and challenges for Earth Work

THURSDAY ' 21 January at 17:30


S door M air C Apua V ether

On 21 January, in the company of experts, institutional representatives and politicians, will be discussed at the Teatro Garibaldi in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, the newly launched Plan Home. A comprehensive conference designed and organized by the Promotion Board's Regional Director Joseph Stellato and the Town Council of Santa Maria Capua Vetere.
An important meeting to debate a law that so long in coming and that poterebbe be fraught with significant changes to the structure of the architectural heritage of our land and our cities.

" A meeting of the January 21 that will appeal to all stakeholders - states S dismantled - also aims to provide the first indications of a statute that was created by a political agreement on the mountain, consecrated by the State-Regions Conference. We want to confront the consequences of the law in the province. If the government Local , together with private entities, manages to capture the strong innovative capacity of the regulatory body, the positive fallout on the territories of perception can be effectively immediate and visible. We must reassure the public: the expected pattern of intervention can prevent moments of aggression to the territory , if one considers that there are some exclusions objective of intervention, as it is left to the government the power to exclude some areas from the territorial application of the law. To better understand: the duration of the Act is 18 months, during who, interested parties can advance to the authorities concerned, its instances. The most delicate aspect of the entire law relating to Article 5 provides that, as previously mentioned, shares in the degraded areas, or areas no longer interested in industrial production activities. In such cases the application will be conditional, however, the identification of a significant proportion of interventions to be allocated to social housing or settled. As you can see, this is a real opportunity on which to invest for the future of our towns. "

Dr. Giancarlo Giudicianni
Mayor Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Dr. . Andrea Della Selva
Presiding Judge of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Dr. Corrado Lembo
Chief Prosecutor of the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Professor Gabriella Cundari
Regional Councillor for Planning

Dr. Oberdan Forlenza
Regional Councillor Public Works

Dr. . Carmine Crisci
Secretary General UST Caserta

arch. Enrico De Cristofaro
President of the Architects Caserta

ing. Vittorio Severino
President of Engineers Caserta

ing. Ferdinand Bright
Component National Order of Engineers

On Joseph Stellato
Regional Council

Maria Beatrice Crisci
Journalist of The Money

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cm Dry Up Before Period?

Finmek - is currently discussed in Council

Finmek Employees / ex ATI - We discuss the question in the Council of the Regional Council Stellato. It is estimated the timing of social safety nets.

text of the question for oral answer
Given that:

· the employment crisis and the labor market into which the system Italy and the Campania Region reached significant levels and requiring structural interventions in the medium and long term, and measures to support workers in the short term
· ; noted that this problem exists in a particular way the Province of Caserta and in particular the land of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, where two leading companies, such as the former ATI and the Finmek-ACCESS , do not work now long;
· Both companies charge different work units (over 50 for the former and 140 for the former ATI Finmek) for which there is absolute uncertainty of the future;

· ; regard wing Finmek Access should be noted that:
1. the same is under special administration in August 2005;
2. currently this is the fifth year of the IGC ending June 30, 2010. The last extension was agreed and granted for 10 months and not 12;
3. the people involved are still 140 of which approximately one hundred non-pensioners, even with the long-term mobility;
4 . Finmek and currently lives in a program contract, COSTELMAR, Ixfin and 3M for the industrialization the province of Caserta. The plan would still lack the resolution for regional allocation of resources. The companies have already been identified would expect only the appropriations referred to above;
5. the 140 workers were included in training courses funded by the Region, although it is unknown when these courses will begin.

  • noted that for the 59 employees of the former ATI, there is no time limit for the IGC to the next in May 2010 and no further activity or initiative is in place for their protection;
  • Given that it is necessary to at least provide for the renewal of social safety nets in respect of those employees;

Both stated and considered, the undersigned Director Joseph Stellato


the President of the Regional


such acts or actions the Regional intends to take to be renovated social safety nets for workers above and what time is provided for the allocation of funds to be used for the re-industrialization of the province of Caserta.

" The employment problems of these two companies - precise Stellato - need an answer quickly and rather too much time has elapsed. Many other provincial realities unfortunately live the vexed question of the reinstatement of employees and workers, representatives of institutions of politics we have a duty to make us partakers of and spokespersons of the difficulties these workers. Specifically, we realize that the mere use of social welfare, in most cases, is only one way to reduce the incidence of the problem, but in the absence of another, it contains at least elements of a possible response, pending a structural recovery of the economy.

Regione Campania , We recall, has taken on the territories of investment programs trying to upgrade the existing activities and a new look so plausible economic phase. At this point, the commitment to infrastructure projects and the projected recovery resulting from new programming and POR FAS funds could also be an opportunity for our difficult territory of Caserta. This is a clear policy focus on what the PD wants and needs to be prepared in a serious way beyond the nodes of development for the recovery of real resources " .

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

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Cascetta Vanvitelli to meet the leaders of the Democratic Party di Caserta Caserta coordination

The Transport Department received from Iodice, Graziano and Stellato

The Regional Minister for Transport, Ennio Cascetta, met in Caserta Democratico.L local party administrators' appointment to the at 17.30 at the Grand Hotel Vanvitelli. Cascetta discussed the needs and priorities for action for the development of a programmatic platform of the Democratic Party, which puts the center of the territory of Caserta regional planning. The speakers were among others, the provincial coordinator, Enzo Iodice, Mr Stephen Graziano, regional councilor Joseph Stellato . (
The following actions of the defendants and the same Assessor:

Introduced by the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party Enzo Iodice:
" Cascetta The commissioner has left many marks on his department the territory of Caserta, on behalf of Pd thank him heartily. The regional government has faced many emergency situations in the course of its mandate, among other initiatives, there have been important interventions for the development and Cascetta has certainly been a star of these events. Today is here to make a point on the situation, we are preparing for a busy campaign. We are building a government project that wants to see Campania as a driving force of economy and development.
Cascetta The commissioner then will discuss his plan for the future of the region .

the audience greets the Mayor of Caserta Nicodemo Petteruti.Segue the intervention of the deputy Stephen Graziano:
" Like any administration that government also had its lights and shadows, but we believe Ennio Cascetta that represents a light, the best regional minister for transport in Italy is not a compliment for his presence in this place but it is an objective way. Only those attending the conference rooms of the state-region may include the mechanics and technicians with whom he carries out a project and therefore difficult to implement it and bring it to fruition.
Personally, for example, I'm lucky to have seen the arrival of the subway at Aversa and Teversham, there will be three stops, here is the creation of a huge project arrived in port. Well, I think this was the result of a huge amount of work that has followed a model, this work done at regional level I think should also be transferred to the provinces and we will have results unexpected.
We are currently in a positive phase of each election, the center after the events which have affected Cosentino is no longer the same, now if we're good at explaining our reasons and electoral projects, we can be once again the best government for this region and for this province ".

The following comments from the table is that of director Giuseppe Stellato:
" Cascetta See here Caserta is a significant moment that opens up different scenarios. When we speak of Campania is increasingly the focus on Shadows of a region but the region has also achieved excellence points just as the integrated transport system. A system that has changed the pattern of transport between suburbs and metropolitan area, has built a gaming system that sees Naples not only as a distant, unreachable but a point of interchange that sews together all the connective tissue of the territory. It looks now Campania Region as a whole, a place that looks at the big trade of the Mediterranean, the new business with the African coast . We look therefore positively to these models that should be valued, the region can still be a reference point not only for the south but for the entire national model, Campania is a focal point of the entire history of the country, including place of great conflict, where the party is able to look goals towards which to strive for. We candidate for government class and a reference point. Cascetta we will indicate the lines of this program.

Finally, the intervention Cascetta:
" We try to give answers to people atterso of the fundamentals, the lines programmatic project. Puurtroppo this would seem poltiica of the ABC is not put into practice not only in Campania but even throughout the country. The city is so removed from politics, and this is especially true in Campania. A policy that seems completely disinterested, talking instead of projects, proposals and things to do this is the best contribution that can darer the Democratic Party and the people. Starting from prgrammi should allow you to just of political coalitions. It is true that there are no differences between left and right, you should read the differences in programs, so I think a center-left that has a program center-left represents a strong party, stronger than a center that this program has been shown not to have it. The theme of the programs is an issue that has a political importance, because the other parties, let's say you do not hear much. But is it possible, for example, that the UDC does not tell us anything about the programs we do for the family, or Italy of Values \u200b\u200bdoes not say anything about the programs to combat the Camorra? How can govern with parties that we do not have anything to say about what should be done to the country?

So this party and I with him we have assumed the responsibility of working on these issues. I drafted a proposal in 12 points ( ) The first step is to put in place policies to create real jobs, through initiatives of responsible development.
The work should not care but must correspond to a given service and then produce.
In Campania 840mila people today have no work, the participation of women at work is the lowest d ' Italy. What to do? There are some suggestions: we aim at a system of incentives, on the one hand it is automatic, but also control over its employment effects.
Then there are large bins indisutriali, tramway, Aerospace, home automation, information technology, we also strive to innovative sectors linked to the green economy. Many are here in the province of Caserta. In rail, there are 4,000 employees in Campania, neell'aereospaziale ddetti 10 thousand, if they receive contributions from areas that just are able to attract other jobs. But the sector is more operational services. For example, the public service: the ACMS Caserta, let's talk, because this province should not have a transportation ad on rubber?
The ACMS Caserta is unfortunately not in a position to be a service running. They decided to intervene, as a region, so that ACMS can return to being a public service worthy of the name in this province.

The second point concerns the fight against organized crime stops and DCIS. The Camorra does not produce work, in fact destroys the job. Tens of thousands of euro taken away from people, you change the competition, companies can not compete. In accordance with the powers, we can do something on the Camorra. For example, eliminating the famous gray area, new rules for contracts, more than neinte downward station only contracting, we must have the courage to put in place actions which are evil ... but in the long run make micro-credit, support for small and medium-sized businesses through membership on the relationship between the healthy part of the city.
Health, Social Solidarity, support for vulnerable groups. University innovation, research, business. Here are some good research centers, here the Campania region has done so much, we must push on this road, competing companies will be those who will innovate more. E 'by the proximity between research and industry that creates the real production.
We must have the courage to say that those who do research should have a job. But because researchers must be a precarious? That kind of work should be stabilized.

sixth paragraph, land resource exploitation. Our region is a dual, binary, single-end subway, which runs from Santa Maria Capua Vetere in Battersea, where 80% of population lives in 20% of the territory. The area is reconstructed from infrastructure, regional metro, the areoposto Grazzanise ...
And then the big subject of the restoration of sites inqiinati. There are 3700 contaminated sites in the Campania region in 1700 only in the province of Caserta, we were the sversatoio of Italy. To date only 13 of these sites have been reclaimed. Campania voglimo that deliver to our children?
I make two proposals, the first is to use the planning money, not money, but services, activities ... the first application of this coin was the housing plan.
Another considers the energy, agriculture, biomass use ... for example the spaces where people are gone. We can give a new life and a new mission to agriculture in this region to produce more food, but to produce energy.

, then the tourism. A theme too absent in this province. In the province of Caserta, there are only 5 sites and produce only 900 thousand tourists a year, in fact we must do more. Do you realize that Caserta is now only 1 hour and 9 minutes from Rome, a city which is thirty million tourists a year. The high speed is changing the country ... we should do in Naples and Caserta one integrated package connected with Rome. In Naples, there's hundreds of thousands of cruise passengers and no one comes to Caserta. This great performance is to be spread on land.

I want to close. Six million people in the region Campania, we were considered a medium European country like Denmark, which has unfortunately been a lot of problems. This region will become increasingly less and less state and local government. These elections represent a third phase in 2010 partly because of fiscal federalism. Vii will be huge conflicts, regions have powers associated with federalism, it will empre more states of a federal country. Therefore serves a useful leadership. If he wins the center-right is the risk that the Campania become a colonial state.
A win on the center right hand over this region to a vassal role. Autonomy which will have a center-right government in our region?
Another important thing we've done here is to give a new status, a new electoral law so that consentrirĂ  have faster evaluation, more control. Our election law is important, the highest level of elections must remember now the responsibility of the regional elections. We made a courageous election law, where I hope the next consglio is much more pink. We have but we attacked the center, we in Campania, just we have been right.
The electoral contest ahead will be very difficle, we have to reassemble. I'm a fan of Naples and its this team has shown us that we can reassemble the ninetieth and then become even stronger. "

Activewear Distibutors

A citizen is not part


Pd, no coordination
Between Red, Bindi and Letta
no agreement between Red, Bindi and Letta no agreement

The Democratic Party di Caserta did not want to miss the occasion of the Epiphany marked his vocation to the lacerations inside, unable in order to close the circle around the establishment of the provisional national coordination, and opt for a postponement. Once again the major problems have emerged within the Bersani and, in particular, that part which brings together the souls that are headed by Bindi and Letta. The eleven elements of the organism to be entered in total, in fact, missing al'appello only the two share in this area. Too few two "boxes" for the interest around the game. So much so that last night the former deputy Lorenzo Diana, between representatives of the undercurrent to the table, amid the grunts and "no" and the other bersaniani franceschiniani, asked for and obtained a postponement until tomorrow night to reach the square within its group.
Coordination provisional national Democratic Party is defined in relation to the outcome of the Oct. 25 primary in Caserta for what concerns the preferences are collected for the National Assembly. Based on the percentage six incumbent members area Bersani (four in group was recognized in the list animated by Representative Stephen Graziano, the mayors, Nicola Ucci, Achille Christmas, Charles Marino, etc, and two in the group headed to the so-called reformists: Lorenzo Diana, Dario Abbate, Enzo Iodice, Ubaldo Greek, Nicholas Caputo, Peppe Stellato, etc), four and one in the area Franceschini Marino. Franceschiniani I have had no problems indicating their names, which are the Municipal Councillor for Social Policies Gianfranco Fierro, president of the council Arturo Di Palo, Michael and Senator Peter Canzano; for mariniani has been put forward as Our former President of Italy, Anna Loiacono, the area boasted the possibility that Bersani to express four of those names did Alessia Fratta, architect, Carlo Marino, Franco De Michele Peppe and Venditto, but one where there are still problems has twisted on itself without finding a solution.
A strong desire to enter the coordination is expressed by the former provincial secretary of the DS, Ubaldo Greek. The match for the commissioner of the junta Petteruti is of vital importance, being left out also by the regional secretariat (the only two that are part of Caserta Louis Feola are, for the other area Bersani, and Enzo Iodice, outgoing provincial secretary). Greek aims to be the first secretary of the national Democratic Party but to cultivate his desire to stay in the body. But there are, as mentioned, only two boxes to fill. Stellato (sleeping area), press to enter the capital of Councillor Paul March. His colleague Caputo Regional Council area (Bindi) to that of another Councillor in Caserta, Arturo Gigliofiorito. Without taking into account, then, a thousand other aspirations.
Now it's off the possibility of yet another Papocchia, as the old model dell'elefantiaca Provincial Directorate: not to upset anyone trying to expand their coordination. Eleven places are few? If they make a 22, has already received the request. Taking into account that the body are already right part of the mayor of the capital, the leader in the Council, the nine elected regional assemblies in Caserta and national elements could lead to 32-33. To do what? Only to arrive until after the elections and prepare for the conference. Not to mention that on the eve of presentanzione of candidates in the primaries for the selection of the candidate to the Province the topic was completely declassified the agenda of priorities. All this in the shadow of the Democratic Party. And I still call it "party." (06:01:10)

Monday, January 4, 2010

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Pd Santa Maria Capua Vetere - Composed

Pd, bursts peace between Giudicianni and Stellato

Santa Maria Capua Vetere - Regional Councillor: "I support the administration, but I would not have made the 'lecture' to priests and teachers." Elected a new Board of the Democratic Party.

This morning, during the press conference to explain the birth of the new committee of the Democratic Party by the Regional Council took the opportunity to announce the end of hostilities .. ..
NEW DIRECTORS - The Board consists of the PD Antonio Sergio, Gino Vasta, Alberto Vasta, Pierpaolo and Alabiso Rosida Bay. It shall be members of the group leader in the municipal council Arturo D'Addio, regional councilor and the mayor Giancarlo Giuseppe Stellato Giudicianni. The spokesman also identified in the figure of Councillor Henry Monaco. The new body is a summary of the different souls of which the founders of the party and a representative from the administration that will have the task of promoting dialogue between the two groups.
PEACE FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF STARS - appeared to more than a little bit more tense, the Regional Council and the mayor Giancarlo Giuseppe Stellato Giudicianni announced this morning the end of hostility. Indeed for the accuracy they have 'dispelled rumors contrasts' that would see them protagonists in recent weeks. "Contrasts - said Mrs Stella - the result of an incorrect assessment of the dialectic within the party. Today there is also the mayor, but I had no doubts about this: besides being the mayor is also a leader of the party. I think he's certainly working for the good of the city. The statements made above I have been the result of internal tensions in the administrative life, a diversity of views that also creates demands for autonomy. The administration is autonomous from the political point of view, I always expressed my support for the administration Giudicianni license plate, no statement taken away. The administration is, however, subject to constant stress and tension and I have no reason to doubt the goodness of the administration nor the mayor. This does not mean that I subscribe to what the administration does, nor that it must necessarily subscribe to everything I do. Of course I would never have made the lecture to three categories (the reference should be made manifest to the post by the mayor and the Cards 'special' known to teachers, merchants and ministers of the Church, ed), but we have a different approach. "
PEACE FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE MAYOR - Dello Mayor Giudicianni same opinion. If the hospital today Meloria not only close but will be enhanced, because the work is carried out with Mrs Stella has paid off. We are in the same boat. To think that a mayor and a regional council may be two different levels would be suicide. "

Talla Baja Pectus Excavatum

Directors approved the Budget of 2009 Press Release Last

The Regional Council of Campania, alternately chaired by the Vice Presidents Gennaro Mucciolo and Salvatore Ronghi , approved the Budget of the Campania Region for the year 2010, subject to the statutory deadline set on 31 December.
In detail, the Assembly voted for the Budget for 2010, on budget years 2010-2012 and Finance Act 2010, adopted, also unanimously the Budget of the Regional Council of Campania for the financial year 2010.
As regards, finally, the Budget Council, the Assembly approved a decrease in operating costs of over € 3 million, in line with the policy of rationalization of expenditure through the reduction of fees for consultancy services, operating expenses and allowances of the groups board of directors, the last three years has led to a reduction of ten million euro for the Budget of the Regional Council.

remember that the main operations covered by the Finance Act, were:
  • between principles (Article 1), the ban the privatization of water resources (providing that, in the absence of agreements with the state on policies relating to drinking water distribution companies, companies operating in the Campania region must have an absolute majority shareholding with public participation and that all forms currently in management of the water service company with entirely private or mixed lapse with effect from the dates of service contracts in place) and the ban the installation of production facilities for nuclear electricity , manufacturing and storage of spent nuclear fuel as well as deposits radioactive materials;
  • between rules to promote employment (Article 2), providing for a incentives to 'employment for firms that take indefinite layoff workers in extraordinary gains, recorded in the lists of mobility and job seekers and unemployed, as well as an appropriation of 50 million euro for the tax credit for increased employment ;
  • between sustainable development measures (Article 3), the financial commitment to give priority to projects concerning the treatment of coastal waters Domitio / Flegreo and to submit by June 30 2010, a plan for the nourishment of the coast against the phenomenon of coastal erosion;
  • between standards in support of agriculture (art. 4), the 'establishment of a "solidarity fund and support farms in a serious state of economic emergency and market", with a budget of € 10 million for 2010;
  • between measures to reduce social inequalities (Article 5), the extension of the 2010 experimentation citizenship income , ensuring coverage to the persons entitled to a maximum of 30 million euro;
  • between measures of rationalization of spending (art. 6), 25% reduction , compared to 2009, the costs of providing advice and the Executive for 2010, as well as the reduction to one third of the remuneration of directors of investee companies, in the event of unjustified losses of more than one fifth of the capital.