Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What Is Insurance Parady

Cascetta Vanvitelli to meet the leaders of the Democratic Party di Caserta Caserta coordination

The Transport Department received from Iodice, Graziano and Stellato

The Regional Minister for Transport, Ennio Cascetta, met in Caserta Democratico.L local party administrators' appointment to the at 17.30 at the Grand Hotel Vanvitelli. Cascetta discussed the needs and priorities for action for the development of a programmatic platform of the Democratic Party, which puts the center of the territory of Caserta regional planning. The speakers were among others, the provincial coordinator, Enzo Iodice, Mr Stephen Graziano, regional councilor Joseph Stellato . (
The following actions of the defendants and the same Assessor:

Introduced by the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party Enzo Iodice:
" Cascetta The commissioner has left many marks on his department the territory of Caserta, on behalf of Pd thank him heartily. The regional government has faced many emergency situations in the course of its mandate, among other initiatives, there have been important interventions for the development and Cascetta has certainly been a star of these events. Today is here to make a point on the situation, we are preparing for a busy campaign. We are building a government project that wants to see Campania as a driving force of economy and development.
Cascetta The commissioner then will discuss his plan for the future of the region .

the audience greets the Mayor of Caserta Nicodemo Petteruti.Segue the intervention of the deputy Stephen Graziano:
" Like any administration that government also had its lights and shadows, but we believe Ennio Cascetta that represents a light, the best regional minister for transport in Italy is not a compliment for his presence in this place but it is an objective way. Only those attending the conference rooms of the state-region may include the mechanics and technicians with whom he carries out a project and therefore difficult to implement it and bring it to fruition.
Personally, for example, I'm lucky to have seen the arrival of the subway at Aversa and Teversham, there will be three stops, here is the creation of a huge project arrived in port. Well, I think this was the result of a huge amount of work that has followed a model, this work done at regional level I think should also be transferred to the provinces and we will have results unexpected.
We are currently in a positive phase of each election, the center after the events which have affected Cosentino is no longer the same, now if we're good at explaining our reasons and electoral projects, we can be once again the best government for this region and for this province ".

The following comments from the table is that of director Giuseppe Stellato:
" Cascetta See here Caserta is a significant moment that opens up different scenarios. When we speak of Campania is increasingly the focus on Shadows of a region but the region has also achieved excellence points just as the integrated transport system. A system that has changed the pattern of transport between suburbs and metropolitan area, has built a gaming system that sees Naples not only as a distant, unreachable but a point of interchange that sews together all the connective tissue of the territory. It looks now Campania Region as a whole, a place that looks at the big trade of the Mediterranean, the new business with the African coast . We look therefore positively to these models that should be valued, the region can still be a reference point not only for the south but for the entire national model, Campania is a focal point of the entire history of the country, including place of great conflict, where the party is able to look goals towards which to strive for. We candidate for government class and a reference point. Cascetta we will indicate the lines of this program.

Finally, the intervention Cascetta:
" We try to give answers to people atterso of the fundamentals, the lines programmatic project. Puurtroppo this would seem poltiica of the ABC is not put into practice not only in Campania but even throughout the country. The city is so removed from politics, and this is especially true in Campania. A policy that seems completely disinterested, talking instead of projects, proposals and things to do this is the best contribution that can darer the Democratic Party and the people. Starting from prgrammi should allow you to just of political coalitions. It is true that there are no differences between left and right, you should read the differences in programs, so I think a center-left that has a program center-left represents a strong party, stronger than a center that this program has been shown not to have it. The theme of the programs is an issue that has a political importance, because the other parties, let's say you do not hear much. But is it possible, for example, that the UDC does not tell us anything about the programs we do for the family, or Italy of Values \u200b\u200bdoes not say anything about the programs to combat the Camorra? How can govern with parties that we do not have anything to say about what should be done to the country?

So this party and I with him we have assumed the responsibility of working on these issues. I drafted a proposal in 12 points ( ) The first step is to put in place policies to create real jobs, through initiatives of responsible development.
The work should not care but must correspond to a given service and then produce.
In Campania 840mila people today have no work, the participation of women at work is the lowest d ' Italy. What to do? There are some suggestions: we aim at a system of incentives, on the one hand it is automatic, but also control over its employment effects.
Then there are large bins indisutriali, tramway, Aerospace, home automation, information technology, we also strive to innovative sectors linked to the green economy. Many are here in the province of Caserta. In rail, there are 4,000 employees in Campania, neell'aereospaziale ddetti 10 thousand, if they receive contributions from areas that just are able to attract other jobs. But the sector is more operational services. For example, the public service: the ACMS Caserta, let's talk, because this province should not have a transportation ad on rubber?
The ACMS Caserta is unfortunately not in a position to be a service running. They decided to intervene, as a region, so that ACMS can return to being a public service worthy of the name in this province.

The second point concerns the fight against organized crime stops and DCIS. The Camorra does not produce work, in fact destroys the job. Tens of thousands of euro taken away from people, you change the competition, companies can not compete. In accordance with the powers, we can do something on the Camorra. For example, eliminating the famous gray area, new rules for contracts, more than neinte downward station only contracting, we must have the courage to put in place actions which are evil ... but in the long run make micro-credit, support for small and medium-sized businesses through membership on the relationship between the healthy part of the city.
Health, Social Solidarity, support for vulnerable groups. University innovation, research, business. Here are some good research centers, here the Campania region has done so much, we must push on this road, competing companies will be those who will innovate more. E 'by the proximity between research and industry that creates the real production.
We must have the courage to say that those who do research should have a job. But because researchers must be a precarious? That kind of work should be stabilized.

sixth paragraph, land resource exploitation. Our region is a dual, binary, single-end subway, which runs from Santa Maria Capua Vetere in Battersea, where 80% of population lives in 20% of the territory. The area is reconstructed from infrastructure, regional metro, the areoposto Grazzanise ...
And then the big subject of the restoration of sites inqiinati. There are 3700 contaminated sites in the Campania region in 1700 only in the province of Caserta, we were the sversatoio of Italy. To date only 13 of these sites have been reclaimed. Campania voglimo that deliver to our children?
I make two proposals, the first is to use the planning money, not money, but services, activities ... the first application of this coin was the housing plan.
Another considers the energy, agriculture, biomass use ... for example the spaces where people are gone. We can give a new life and a new mission to agriculture in this region to produce more food, but to produce energy.

, then the tourism. A theme too absent in this province. In the province of Caserta, there are only 5 sites and produce only 900 thousand tourists a year, in fact we must do more. Do you realize that Caserta is now only 1 hour and 9 minutes from Rome, a city which is thirty million tourists a year. The high speed is changing the country ... we should do in Naples and Caserta one integrated package connected with Rome. In Naples, there's hundreds of thousands of cruise passengers and no one comes to Caserta. This great performance is to be spread on land.

I want to close. Six million people in the region Campania, we were considered a medium European country like Denmark, which has unfortunately been a lot of problems. This region will become increasingly less and less state and local government. These elections represent a third phase in 2010 partly because of fiscal federalism. Vii will be huge conflicts, regions have powers associated with federalism, it will empre more states of a federal country. Therefore serves a useful leadership. If he wins the center-right is the risk that the Campania become a colonial state.
A win on the center right hand over this region to a vassal role. Autonomy which will have a center-right government in our region?
Another important thing we've done here is to give a new status, a new electoral law so that consentrirĂ  have faster evaluation, more control. Our election law is important, the highest level of elections must remember now the responsibility of the regional elections. We made a courageous election law, where I hope the next consglio is much more pink. We have but we attacked the center, we in Campania, just we have been right.
The electoral contest ahead will be very difficle, we have to reassemble. I'm a fan of Naples and its this team has shown us that we can reassemble the ninetieth and then become even stronger. "


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