Saturday, January 16, 2010

Milena Velba Bathrobe

landfill San Tammaro - Stars: "provincialization waste a failure.

Caserta I have to pay the TARSU also the work of the consortium Salerno 2 ".
has now spent more than a month after the end of emergency decreed on waste December 17 by the Berlusconi government, but the Province of Caserta continues to be humiliated and relegated to the status of regional sversatoio. This area of \u200b\u200bthe landfill and San Tammaro S. Maria la Fossa , was for many years and continues to be the safety valve that ensures the safety and regularity of the flows of regional disposal.
" We have welcomed the move to the ordinary - says Regional Councillor Joseph Stellato - as this would mean, first, provincialization waste and that is the end of the possibility that endures the continuous flow from the city of Naples and its province in the name of regional solidarity that has never recorded a even minimal reciprocity.
We have the illusion that all this could end with the restoration of the legal principle of provincialization and especially with the transfer of power to the provinces and then to the public. To date, however, the landfill in San Tammaro, compared to a provincial production of 800 tonnes per day, continues to receive over 2,000 tons of garbage from, mostly from other provinces and above all from that of Naples.
unacceptable situation, but obviously possible for the inattention and lack of sensitivity of non-elected bodies that now govern our province and allow even that the landfill is managed provincial by a consortium of Salerno who has certainly not greater than the capacity of management structures and Caserta, of course, manages our landfill only understandable but not justifiable in order to protect their interests business without worrying about the origin of the waste receiving .
consequence of such a framework is that the province of Caserta, although it responsibly and without fanfare, and immediately accepted the choice of one of the largest landfills in the Campania region, will see it filled in few months extraprovinciali waste and, therefore, will be the first province to find themselves in emergency despite the great sacrifice already.
again and, if possible, even more serious implication is that management by a consortium Salerno also economically penalizing our citizens with the TARSU not only have to pay many employees of the Consortium already unique, but even also take responsibility costs of employees of the Consortium Salerno 2 which should instead be paid by the citizens of the province of Salerno .
Of all the Province of Caserta can not fail to acknowledge and take responsibility, now, to restore the respect for territorial protection of the interests of citizens Caserta. Failure to do so, parties, associations and elected representatives of the Province can not help but to feel strong and to ensure that their voice will come to elect a provincial council that will only take note of a situation already compromised and manage a new waste crisis, intolerable and it is unknown whether more solvable. "


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