Thursday, January 14, 2010

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in the province of Caserta

... Opportunities and challenges for Earth Work

THURSDAY ' 21 January at 17:30


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On 21 January, in the company of experts, institutional representatives and politicians, will be discussed at the Teatro Garibaldi in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, the newly launched Plan Home. A comprehensive conference designed and organized by the Promotion Board's Regional Director Joseph Stellato and the Town Council of Santa Maria Capua Vetere.
An important meeting to debate a law that so long in coming and that poterebbe be fraught with significant changes to the structure of the architectural heritage of our land and our cities.

" A meeting of the January 21 that will appeal to all stakeholders - states S dismantled - also aims to provide the first indications of a statute that was created by a political agreement on the mountain, consecrated by the State-Regions Conference. We want to confront the consequences of the law in the province. If the government Local , together with private entities, manages to capture the strong innovative capacity of the regulatory body, the positive fallout on the territories of perception can be effectively immediate and visible. We must reassure the public: the expected pattern of intervention can prevent moments of aggression to the territory , if one considers that there are some exclusions objective of intervention, as it is left to the government the power to exclude some areas from the territorial application of the law. To better understand: the duration of the Act is 18 months, during who, interested parties can advance to the authorities concerned, its instances. The most delicate aspect of the entire law relating to Article 5 provides that, as previously mentioned, shares in the degraded areas, or areas no longer interested in industrial production activities. In such cases the application will be conditional, however, the identification of a significant proportion of interventions to be allocated to social housing or settled. As you can see, this is a real opportunity on which to invest for the future of our towns. "

Dr. Giancarlo Giudicianni
Mayor Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Dr. . Andrea Della Selva
Presiding Judge of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Dr. Corrado Lembo
Chief Prosecutor of the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Professor Gabriella Cundari
Regional Councillor for Planning

Dr. Oberdan Forlenza
Regional Councillor Public Works

Dr. . Carmine Crisci
Secretary General UST Caserta

arch. Enrico De Cristofaro
President of the Architects Caserta

ing. Vittorio Severino
President of Engineers Caserta

ing. Ferdinand Bright
Component National Order of Engineers

On Joseph Stellato
Regional Council

Maria Beatrice Crisci
Journalist of The Money


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