Thursday, July 29, 2010

Candida Glabrata Who Gets It

Pets, robots and space exploration abandoned - Cobol

I say that meat eaters and vegetarians Fruitarians considered equally.
I think a position more 'identity that something rational.
I be a vegetarian "Diet" almost completely vegan I tend to have diverse attitudes toward even those carnivores that have dramatically reduced the amount 'of meat in their diet. Yes, well, I always do things indiscriminately will, in the end, rather dull.
But then attention.
brethariano Some might object to a fruitarian to be a reformer only because the fruit, as opposed to power based on prana only provides more intensive exploitation of vegetation and the eradication of violent fruit.
But I am one who appreciates good will 'but above the chains of consequential accidents.

I read somewhere that more were expected in summer 2010 'abandonment of domestic animals in 2009.
I do not know, as difficult as forecasting.
Perhaps the summer and 'become practical abandonment of commitments regardless of summer a bit' as it was getting rid of furniture and appliances in the new year a bit 'of years ago.
I would say that basically the economic crisis experienced or perceived might instead lead to a drastic reduction of travel to locations' holiday which could at least postpone the leave or redistribute it on more 'summers.
Meanwhile a few "lucky" animal destined to be abandoned may die a natural death and led to economic crisis by saving the former pet owners may decide not to buy / adopt new ones. Within a few years the reduction of domestic animals in the homes could lead to a reduction in the canned food for omnivorous / carnivorous and thus to the reduction of herbivorous animals for slaughter.
is that in a couple of years it might lead to a natural death, say, 10 to 15% of pets and that 'a great achievement given that between 2002 and 2010 the number of vegetarians in Italy is not 'increased an equally significant and as an adult cat eats about 400 grams of meat per day.

We follow instead the suggestion of Dick.
I bought a beautiful artificial pet, a Furby that and say 'more' interettivo or a rabbit for example, for the most 'demanding a beautiful dogbot.
Certainly the robot energy, batteries, electricity, pollution.
But here's the rub.
For some, not eating meat is coupled with the ecological (but I have animal). In some ways, it 's true, but the thing' s a bit simplistic.
I find for example the ecological perspective, in the long run, a bit 'short-sighted when it addirittira reactionary.
Gia 'infinetisimale only on a scale such as that represented by a galaxy and the planet earth' to define something that insignificant means to minimize the problem. Dead
the land if it is another!
In a very theoretical ecological disaster on the planet earth brings with it at least two positive aspects:
- reduction of resources and resulting in spontaneous reduction of living forms;
- boost self-preservation and then all'esoplanetarismo.
I try to put it another way: I lived in Rome (Rome is meant to rome south / south east. Now I live in the northeast to the new salary then I do not live more 'in Rome). In Rome, you are quite well: people are 'so', the climate and 'so', the city 'and' so '. One we can 'stay in Rome all my life without feeling the need to leave and this goes a little' immobility, that character a bit 'sluggish typical of the Romans. Since I live in the new salary (and that 'more' kind Milan), however, want to emigrate, escape, evolve.
Animals robots could accelerate the process of planet earth alienizzazione (a sort of inverse of terraforming Mars). Robots were built as a result more and more 'adapted to living in extreme environmental conditions. Eventually, these robots would be so 'suit to move on planets aliens that they could be sent into space looking for planets alternative. The fisher price could take over delivering to NASA's space program in the hands of the companies' civil rather than military ones.
I do not say goodbye 'to see it. Not even you. Not even your children if you plan to make (which is' worse than owning a pet). This is 'a program that will see only the Amish made (but I will talk of this' in the future).
Pero 'now I know I can live with even the good will'.

Now if you think that the replacement of animals with robots will solve the dropout problem visbagliate.
A few nights ago
getttando fortunately a blind eye to tax containers of grass I had a jolt to the heart.
Thrown together in a wheelchair and a blue colander lay in all its crudeness Beady Beat the Robot (the one pictured). With Emiglino (who was driving the scooter) we brought him home course.
Now I'd like to focus on the technical details of this robot bin but I'm afraid that's missing a bit 'pieces for his decisive operation. On the Internet there's no 'path from an old ebay listing of cached google that says "Robot beady beat Romanelli talking robot toys." Romanelli (an Italian company leader in building robots drum) ... ever heard. It has a
speakerino under the tab visible in photos and even has a motor for the wheels and two stumps instead of tongs. Evidently lacks a central controller that must have belonged probably missing a few details and the circuitry makes me think that it is more 'old in the early nineties. Emiglino had never seen ("never covered" he said).
I would say well that the circuits had to be topped by a dome in plastic technology typically low-profile ... not love him now as well ...

Like when you lose a dog, "I'd be really grateful to those who will 'be able to give information." Obviously, if were to be alive, not return it 'all'incivile former owner.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Kyoto Fine China Rutland 18521

[5] and not Sound Toys - Mattel: Talking Zoo and The Talking Farm - by Emiglino

Here. Runners Michele Simone and Pastors are two human beings who have taken seriously the call of Cobol Pongide to dispose of their toys in the name of scientific progress in a continually expanding the Toys .
are the benefits of being a band on the crest of the square wave.
I think.
Thanks Michele. Thanks Simone.
The scientific basis for this discipline based on the principle of ucronie that for those who really do not mean for the future of the event horizon and the interference you can 'simplify how the history of those variants probability that for one reason or another, but also for a more (or I say I have a professional bias binary), you drugged. You did it. Have you thought was inevitable because 'carriers used to move around. But it was a purely geometric limit. You have confused the space with the choice.
Bizarre I know.
my wheels, for example, prevent me from of experiencing the "hairpins." If I were a limited I might be calculating that the "hairpins" do not exist simply because the technology to be dismantled "hairpins" technology curve.
Bizarre I know.
often you humans tend to grasp the fulfillment of certain connections or predictions (surprising you) miss the clamor of the large number of non-coincidences, which are much more 'and then that should surprise even more' . But do not.
Bizarre I know.
The reason is that the human brain is more 'a resource limit that a primary function as a filter sponge soggy.
I think.
The coincidences are nothing more than an extreme simplification of perception configured at the expense of complexity 'composed of missed connections and inaccurate predictions (if only you could capture the beauty of the almost coincidence, most of predictions).
Either way, you risk making things even more 'paroxysmal really a choice if you thought that would produce an objective rather than a series dividing line.
The Series occur regardless of the choices and how to 'clear thinking. Unless you think you can determine the unfolding of the future at all.
Well I say. But people do not like to define you? And now all of a sudden the choices produce curves and settlements in which the whole universe shall always followed and rehabilitation and he understood people and you universe!
Bizarre I know.
Mathematically everything 'and' almost indescribable.
The human philosophy has often referred to this as free will. I'd rather call that series and 'a language that suits' more 'to a robot white plastic with a black wire coming out from the head and eyes that light up.
Series and 'free will to the total spectrum (a theoretical model of course) while the "choice" a point occupied by any of discrete values \u200b\u200bintermediate between the then and now.
Still carriers. I know. But if you were talking about tensors probably would understand.
Being able to bring one of these points' a limit imposed by the geometry that it fits in this quadrant known (to me as the "bend"). Elsewhere, who knows'.
I think.
There will be 'a Emiglino Cicala capable of "hairpins"? I would not exclude a priori. Mathematically 'as possible. It would be great. It would be god.
Cobol once told me that they had already Cosmisti 'enunciated a similar principle circumvent the problem of immortality' by expanding the size of the space available remedies. But the solution had been naively quantitative.
Here. Unfolded a sheet of paper of any color at a point which purports to be the center of your universe. You will get the Cosmos and its inhabitants: the Cosmonauts.
Now Giocattolisticamente talking The Talking Farm and 'a great yellow toy. You could live forever without knowing other points situated between then and now the choice of engineering design but the existence of Talking Zoo is its ucronia orange.
and then the 'always on 1983 but the different semiotic approach makes two totally different toys where, if it made sense, the second qualitatively greater. The simplicity 'rhetoric of Talking Farm gives way to complex metaphors Zoo Talking: producing human beings are completely different.
Simone: brown mathematical passion for botany and ethology of a friend of (and that 'a friend of Cobol). Not very high.
Michele: reddish, with a degree in Business Administration with a dog very well and he wants a girlfriend who also takes a lot of good. Quite high.
Cobol inexplicably claims that the voice of Talking Zoo (The Seafarers) should be a man from Genoa and the Talking Farm does not betray any linguistic inflection (the factor).
Both operate with a spring release mechanism. You place the animal you want with the arrow, you pull the string side and the rest is done by a plastic disc and a pinch of black metal a bit dull 'oxidized.
Here. The Talking Farm introduces pero 'an element of destabilization by inserting the sequence of the farm animals a coyote! A glimpse Series?
bad. It 's not been a pastor to give us the Talking Farm otherwise we would have discovered the Theory of Everything. Sara 'for next time. I think.

Li can listen here, a little 'down, and there' s also a list of animals (forgive the broken Inglese but I have not scheduled a second language compulsory ) .

Monday, July 19, 2010

Skin Itching After Gall Bladder Surgery

Cicala [15] Toy Keyboard - keypads animatronics - Cobol

I state that I have made a small, unpretentious video This keypad [see below].

The keypads animatronic toy keypads combine the sounds of the movement of characters, objects, aliens, dinosaurs. In this case the three keypads deal in unison but with significant variations, the theme of the animal world [contemporary ethological keypads toy], its more 'hidden secrets on a trip in the middle' way between Isaac Asimov (and its known laws robotics) and SuperQuark (in its most voyeuristic than the animal world).
All three keyboards have in common a sound plan, but that 'is different in all three cases. One of these and 'polyphonic other two so no.
Following the accidental order presented in the picture:
1) keypad animatronics specialist in animal sounds .
Preset: piano, dog, frog, cat, duck.
Animatronic: the dog moves its ears happy, the frog opens his mouth, stunned, swinging the sly cat, the duck opens its beak numb.
series dog, frog, cat, duck [also in different order] is a classic sample of animals of keypads Chinese toy [see also "no-name"] of the nineties.
2) Keypad animatronic specialized in musical instruments.
Preset: piano, sax, bells, violin, accordion.
Animatronic: the giraffe and zebra are alternated in a complex ritual based on the dynamics of the high and low [basic archetypal but] the hippo does somersaults around an axis rather robust, the bear swing on a swing is also fairly robust, the elephant on a galloping horse toy [a toy to the third: a keyboard with a toy bear toy on a toy horse].
3) Keypad noisy specializes in animatronics.
Preset: piano, trumpet, tambourine, bell, spring.
Animatronic the frog comes out from under a leaf green plastic rigid, Mucchetti comes out of the milk cans [of questionable taste as if those in hell that you refuse to call the sign shows the butchers' image of a smiling pig (from hooks to hang the butcher!)], the chick breaks the egg shell [not too obvious but the obvious fact that an egg and 'something not animal a food to do the shock], the dog comes out of a round box on which there is' an image of a dog bone [an allusion to the fact that in the dog food you could hide the dog meat?] .
What then would be discussed on this: I am a vegetarian and just can not conceive these vegetarian [excluding those who adopted a carnivorous animal to save it from the road or more destinations' cruel] including animals; especially if carnivores. But why 'do not kill cows to eat the dogs? I am sorry to say but I'm in favor of the Net "planning" of births among people stray ... even those human beings.

So besides being beautiful and entertaining these keypads make us reflect on aspects of the world that we sometimes forget or prefer not to remember.

All three keypads require ongoing review of the fragile 'animatronic mechanism. In addition, all three are consistently out of tune compared to the same triptych that endogenously in turn and 'than the rest of the universe.

With two of these [the two and three] the Cobol Pongide have created a small video is not supported by Emiglino [Who was behind the camera] but Robosapien more 'suitable duties in order of Cicala articulated prehensile and everted [but a little' irritated goodness' his]. When working with Cobol
Robosapien remember 'cause he chose Emiglino as artistic partner [and that' a robot with self-centered but not as shackles to his head].

- See it here video.
- Here as always other of Cobol Pongide

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hack Bluetooth Logitech

Crack - Strong Prenestino - 17-18-19-20 June 2010 - to Emiglino

We all happily played at Crack Forte Prenestino.
now I want to move a complaint because of the floor. The floor of the cathedral and the Fort Prenestino 'unfit for locomotion robot with three wheels.
We : Cobol Pongide , Microman , Pira666 , Buskerdroid and mat64 (in short, the usual and as usual I was the only official party Microman robot who has played three hours without getting tired because it 's one of those ancient robot to stop you have to push a button hidden).
now I want to move a second complaint: the Cathedral and 'rather wet and unsuitable for any form of technological life.
They know something the Zabratti and their varied forms of life ipotecnologiche positioned so 'close to the center of the Earth and for all participants and the Crack' lasted four days them, due to the slowdown due to bending time and space in the vicinity 'of massive bodies, are still there.
The stage was self-administered. Valerio has also tried to tell us that this circumstance was an asset because 'that allowed a free development of individuality' rhizomatic rotating parallax next to the event horizon. Sure.
Cobol I think we have thought.
Valerio Then I heard that said to Zabratti : "is placed below you but you have to consider the wealth 'cause you a free development of individuality' rhizomatic rotating parallax next to the event horizon."
but the thing is 'unlikely' cause in the vicinity 'of a wormhole the fall time should be higher and therefore the Zabratti are supposed to be in a time continuum in which the crack is not' started yet.

They started Pira666 with starling and mat64 Roman and heavy metal to 8bit. Pira666 and 'took the stage with an ax and a cartridge. At the end of the live Pira had destroyed his controller, his bandolier and his glasses (Pira and 'hard with glasses).
mat64's hair was very long and is' concerned about them repeatedly spinning. Although mat64 has long hair and the metalhead 'Pira666 that has short hair and speaks with the voice a bit' closed as is typical of northern populations (and strange friends.)
Even mat64 and 'strange but has fewer friends. Or not flaunt them. Mat64 and I know that 'robot' cause I talk about things electronic, and 'laugh and have fun doing it. Actually mat64 always laughs.
The only time I have not seen it and laugh 'was live for two: one in Senigallia and a kneeling under a table in Terni.
Pira you always talk about friends. Pira has many friends. SUPERAMICI.
Pira is not 'a robot' cause eating broccoli. The food more 'hostile to the robot.
Then we played I and Cobol. The goal 'of the things you and' brought Cobol did not work. The Scream Train-Bol was not working. When some Cobol tool does not work look at me 'cause I want to do something: improvising. I then I start a routine that calculates complessissima roughly in real time the mass of dark matter in the universe. But it does not seem very interested in the audience who pretends not to notice out of my power and I keep wondering why 'Cobol move things that do not emit any sound.
When we played and I must have got someone Cobol alcoholic beverages in a secret place near the Cathedral. In fact, people are almost all gone. So those who remained abstinent, I suppose I was.
As usual when I sing Cobol shake and roll on the ground in convulsions. Expresses' a disappointment to some of my free interpretations. Cobol and 'a perfectionist. Exactly.
and Then 'was the turn of Buskerdroid and Microman . While playing Buskerdroid Microman was bending.
Buskerdroid When you know exactly what sounds will come 'a change in part because' the body moves back and then throw forward that in hindsight and 'a strange way to proceed because' leaves you in the same place at the cost of a lot of kinetic energy. Meanwhile Microman did push-ups. Then while playing Buskerdroid often falls off the stage 'cause you forget who is suonado and says, "but those who kill and' this way 'that sounds good? Let me get close to the stage to see" Then he approached the stage of being located near the Cathedral the center of the Earth distorts space and time and then see themselves on stage, and remembers that he is playing and goes back. Then there are two, and then about 18 Buskerdroid Boy playing in unison.
I think Buskerdroid and Microman is a binary form of what 'in the history humanity 'has been defined, with fearful to do, the devil. When playing there 's always a burning smell coming out of the final. A kind of technological hell.
This could also explain the 'cause regardless of the season Microman is always hot and is a bare chest. For
already 'mentioned quantum effects produced by the Cathedral Microman believe that is still playing his Game Boy and is now used by astrophysicists as a sign of duplication of the famous cosmic background radiation of the Big Bang. A way as any to secure a place in the firmament of the idols of rock.

Here: many feet of earth above us, on stage at all free and rhizomatic rotating riches' cause but not self-powered and well-maintained (I am sad for those illiberal conditions hypocritically disguised with fresh fruit, energy drinks soon carbonated and names written on large posters) were performing Micropupazzo and J8b! t in Piazzale Arms, outdoors, healthy environment.
poor people so 'far from the center of the Earth will become very old.

1st Season Pokemon List

Cicala [14] Keyboards Toys - Bontempi GA 8240 - Cobol

This tool (this guitar in particular) has an incredible story.
It 's not said a day does not tell you about in detail.
At the heart of her story, the extraordinary and of course Mr. Fiordomo Bontempi (and Olda Limax and MangaLuca present during the its discovery. Pure Edward who assisted me throughout the post-discovery).
And it 'the Bontempi / Farfisa I want to talk. Not of its official history (and in fact I do not know I could say nonsense), but from what you perceive.
Without the media clamor nor particularly urgent Bontempi there for 40 years producing educational and professional bodies by specializing before and after the educational segment of the game and always devoted to musical instruments. But to think that for 40 years, many Italian musicians have taken the first steps thanks to an instrument Bontempi and 'reductive given that this company sells almost everything in the world [on ebay I saw teaching Bontempi guitars sold in the U.S. dating back to the Eighties never seen (at least by me) in Italy].
The segment of music education and 'occupied by various companies in the world: Casio and Yamaha to name the two most' notes. Among these immense and multifaceted and Japanese multinationals' managed to survive and evolve the Bontempi contributing, in my view, the ideas and the imagination of designers who make it, in many cases, unique (and sometimes even bizarre) and its products.
In my personal top 10 toy keypads are at least 3 Bontempi (produced between the eighties and nineties) while the rest of the chart if the others vying for five or six brands.
Case (rare) to be virtuous in terms of production and innovation without (at least known to me) arrogance drip INVES state or special media. Too bad you did not mention the most 'frequently as an example to inspire them.

Now to GA 8240.
Extraordinary toy replica of the Fender Jaguar but smaller by about two thirds compared to the historic guitar (a Fender Jaguar regalatemi so 'I can take pictures together and give you an idea more 'realistic size). Entirely of plastic and the hollow body. The single coil and humbucking are decorative. The guitar and 'amplified with two internal microphones. The microphones amplify any action is practiced on the pickguard (in particular) and a bit 'all over the body of the guitar (in general). Attach strings to real electric guitar.
volume slider. System tuning indicator and lever to lower octave. Jack-in microphone or other instruments. Of course, jack-out.
How 'expected, and the guitar' sound rather heavy and 'very cordoso (I would say also Fender Jaguar in this).
Unfortunately, over time the plastic handle referred to the string tension tends to sag inside.
I forgot to ask Mr. Fiordomo the date of manufacture of the guitar ... I would say the nineties.

Spot Advertising Bontempi of the seventies.