Monday, July 19, 2010

Skin Itching After Gall Bladder Surgery

Cicala [15] Toy Keyboard - keypads animatronics - Cobol

I state that I have made a small, unpretentious video This keypad [see below].

The keypads animatronic toy keypads combine the sounds of the movement of characters, objects, aliens, dinosaurs. In this case the three keypads deal in unison but with significant variations, the theme of the animal world [contemporary ethological keypads toy], its more 'hidden secrets on a trip in the middle' way between Isaac Asimov (and its known laws robotics) and SuperQuark (in its most voyeuristic than the animal world).
All three keyboards have in common a sound plan, but that 'is different in all three cases. One of these and 'polyphonic other two so no.
Following the accidental order presented in the picture:
1) keypad animatronics specialist in animal sounds .
Preset: piano, dog, frog, cat, duck.
Animatronic: the dog moves its ears happy, the frog opens his mouth, stunned, swinging the sly cat, the duck opens its beak numb.
series dog, frog, cat, duck [also in different order] is a classic sample of animals of keypads Chinese toy [see also "no-name"] of the nineties.
2) Keypad animatronic specialized in musical instruments.
Preset: piano, sax, bells, violin, accordion.
Animatronic: the giraffe and zebra are alternated in a complex ritual based on the dynamics of the high and low [basic archetypal but] the hippo does somersaults around an axis rather robust, the bear swing on a swing is also fairly robust, the elephant on a galloping horse toy [a toy to the third: a keyboard with a toy bear toy on a toy horse].
3) Keypad noisy specializes in animatronics.
Preset: piano, trumpet, tambourine, bell, spring.
Animatronic the frog comes out from under a leaf green plastic rigid, Mucchetti comes out of the milk cans [of questionable taste as if those in hell that you refuse to call the sign shows the butchers' image of a smiling pig (from hooks to hang the butcher!)], the chick breaks the egg shell [not too obvious but the obvious fact that an egg and 'something not animal a food to do the shock], the dog comes out of a round box on which there is' an image of a dog bone [an allusion to the fact that in the dog food you could hide the dog meat?] .
What then would be discussed on this: I am a vegetarian and just can not conceive these vegetarian [excluding those who adopted a carnivorous animal to save it from the road or more destinations' cruel] including animals; especially if carnivores. But why 'do not kill cows to eat the dogs? I am sorry to say but I'm in favor of the Net "planning" of births among people stray ... even those human beings.

So besides being beautiful and entertaining these keypads make us reflect on aspects of the world that we sometimes forget or prefer not to remember.

All three keypads require ongoing review of the fragile 'animatronic mechanism. In addition, all three are consistently out of tune compared to the same triptych that endogenously in turn and 'than the rest of the universe.

With two of these [the two and three] the Cobol Pongide have created a small video is not supported by Emiglino [Who was behind the camera] but Robosapien more 'suitable duties in order of Cicala articulated prehensile and everted [but a little' irritated goodness' his]. When working with Cobol
Robosapien remember 'cause he chose Emiglino as artistic partner [and that' a robot with self-centered but not as shackles to his head].

- See it here video.
- Here as always other of Cobol Pongide


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