Nutrition and its importance: the extra pounds were so fat reserves that enabled it to withstand several days of forced fasting The great attention paid to '
power is certainly one of the most distinctive cultural phenomena of our time.
Primitive man ate in order to survive, the food that was consumed in nature or which it obtains with the hunt and was very far from thinking that was the best way to distribute or combine in an optimal intake of nutrients.
In the first human societies were fighting for survival against a natural selection that led to the removal of bodies weaker. The "extra pounds" were so fat reserves that enabled it to withstand several days of forced fasting.
The first human beings were able to reproduce, and then say selectively in the natural history, thanks to their great capacity for adaptation to the environment: certainly at this stage of human history not felt the need to find the most effective combinations of nutrients and technically perfect.
In terms of social prestige and attractiveness of sex there was no aesthetic that led to feel ashamed for abdominal fat and hip fat ones, assuming that the intense physical activity and high exposure to the natural environment could really bring chili more of fat than those needed to survive a few days of "famine." Physical fatigue and constant exposure to climate change and weather requiring organisms resistant to all kinds of deprivation. The energy expenditure was part of everyday life as work, the search for food, the very survival relied mainly on muscle strength. Today, in a sedentary lifestyle, comfort, technology and existential emptiness, while the social canons of beauty require slender bodies and snappy, it runs into an endless series of industrial food products advertised to art, pleasing, but for practical anything natural. And so we end up asking for help from dieticians, nutritionists, fitness centers, clinics, welfare and, ultimately, to new frontiers of cosmetic surgery
. This set
stimuli and conflicting pressures resulting in a continuous checkmate, not least because it's convenient to the free market system to have a huge audience which creates confusion and inconvenience conveys false information is biased.
The information is much more pervasive deviant taken the less independence of thought of those who transfer to others the management of the short life of the body.
Underestimating your gray matter, can exercise and fascinating research of a true knowledge of themselves, put on the edge of the abyss. So, since the topic is currently of interest and the availability of continuous and varied food, you are in the knowing as guidelines to optimize their nutritional supplements and to better express their potential physiological both in form and in the body organ function.
If this book were examined by the rigid school and soundings of the 'science' could be subject to endless objections, because it offers no reliable statistical truth and registered, but only facts.
Any information, data, observations and reflections that are offered in this text, it is proposed to act as a stimulus to the player, encouraged to improve in a simple and effective lifestyle. An overview developed with a goal, while aiming at defining the scope strictly nutritional, eventually involve the affective, social and dynamic. It is well known, in fact, as SFOR social conditions of the individual. Numerous studies in social psychology have revealed the mechanisms and behavioral tendencies that push us to sterile forms of conformity and prejudice, in a blind search for continuous confirmation of a good opinion of ourselves. The stimuli of a social nature may come to replace much of our knowledge and direct experience of the world, affecting to deviate from our true, or possible inner road, turning us into "sleepwalkers", as defined by the sociologist Tarde social men. If this trend
human being has, however, allowed the survival of the species, has not given the individual welfare.
One might ask then, why are we so seemingly "imperfect". The answer may be biological in nature-evolution: natural selection does not tend to produce the best, but what, in context, it may be enough simply to survive in that environment. For each of us can exist, however, with a little 'discipline and more knowledge, the ability to' look outside 'as a natural phenomenon, which could break free from the constraints of submerged reef, raising, therefore, from that discomfort background, without compromising, but rather enhancing, our undeniable yearning to operate machines to immortalize their chromosomes. Redrawing from other viewpoints, albeit suffering and despair, their genes the eternally incomplete picture, framed cosmically, wanted dall'ermetica Goddess Nature, may reserve new emotions.