Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ponytails Get The Name From /

A salute to the great "Vecio"

Bearzot mythical Hello. The most
'great coach the national team.
remember it ', always with his pipe in his mouth.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Makeover Contest 2010

Nutrition and its importance: the extra pounds were so fat reserves that enabled it to withstand several days of forced fasting

The great attention paid to ' power is certainly one of the most distinctive cultural phenomena of our time.
Primitive man ate in order to survive, the food that was consumed in nature or which it obtains with the hunt and was very far from thinking that was the best way to distribute or combine in an optimal intake of nutrients.
In the first human societies were fighting for survival against a natural selection that led to the removal of bodies weaker. The "extra pounds" were so fat reserves that enabled it to withstand several days of forced fasting.
The first human beings were able to reproduce, and then say selectively in the natural history, thanks to their great capacity for adaptation to the environment: certainly at this stage of human history not felt the need to find the most effective combinations of nutrients and technically perfect.

In terms of social prestige and attractiveness of sex there was no aesthetic that led to feel ashamed for abdominal fat and hip fat ones, assuming that the intense physical activity and high exposure to the natural environment could really bring chili more of fat than those needed to survive a few days of "famine." Physical fatigue and constant exposure to climate change and weather requiring organisms resistant to all kinds of deprivation. The energy expenditure was part of everyday life as work, the search for food, the very survival relied mainly on muscle strength. Today, in a sedentary lifestyle, comfort, technology and existential emptiness, while the social canons of beauty require slender bodies and snappy, it runs into an endless series of industrial food products advertised to art, pleasing, but for practical anything natural. And so we end up asking for help from dieticians, nutritionists, fitness centers, clinics, welfare and, ultimately, to new frontiers of cosmetic surgery . This set

stimuli and conflicting pressures resulting in a continuous checkmate, not least because it's convenient to the free market system to have a huge audience which creates confusion and inconvenience conveys false information is biased.
The information is much more pervasive deviant taken the less independence of thought of those who transfer to others the management of the short life of the body.

Underestimating your gray matter, can exercise and fascinating research of a true knowledge of themselves, put on the edge of the abyss. So, since the topic is currently of interest and the availability of continuous and varied food, you are in the knowing as guidelines to optimize their nutritional supplements and to better express their potential physiological both in form and in the body organ function.
If this book were examined by the rigid school and soundings of the 'science' could be subject to endless objections, because it offers no reliable statistical truth and registered, but only facts.

Any information, data, observations and reflections that are offered in this text, it is proposed to act as a stimulus to the player, encouraged to improve in a simple and effective lifestyle. An overview developed with a goal, while aiming at defining the scope strictly nutritional, eventually involve the affective, social and dynamic. It is well known, in fact, as SFOR social conditions of the individual. Numerous studies in social psychology have revealed the mechanisms and behavioral tendencies that push us to sterile forms of conformity and prejudice, in a blind search for continuous confirmation of a good opinion of ourselves. The stimuli of a social nature may come to replace much of our knowledge and direct experience of the world, affecting to deviate from our true, or possible inner road, turning us into "sleepwalkers", as defined by the sociologist Tarde social men. If this trend
human being has, however, allowed the survival of the species, has not given the individual welfare.

One might ask then, why are we so seemingly "imperfect". The answer may be biological in nature-evolution: natural selection does not tend to produce the best, but what, in context, it may be enough simply to survive in that environment. For each of us can exist, however, with a little 'discipline and more knowledge, the ability to' look outside 'as a natural phenomenon, which could break free from the constraints of submerged reef, raising, therefore, from that discomfort background, without compromising, but rather enhancing, our undeniable yearning to operate machines to immortalize their chromosomes. Redrawing from other viewpoints, albeit suffering and despair, their genes the eternally incomplete picture, framed cosmically, wanted dall'ermetica Goddess Nature, may reserve new emotions.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Implantation Bleeding Week After Period Due

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year.
Happy Holidays.
All the best .. so much happiness, good health, some extra money but not a lot of imagination in piu '.

The crib and 'kindly donated by the wonderful Christmas Market in Santa Massenza.


Machine Nameto Provide Chocolate

me have made the radio ..

.. in the garage! A Blaupunkt
of the 60 .. I mean 'the legendary Volkswagen Blaupunkt mounted on my 1966. I wanted to see if it works yet .. a show. Sound that is' a beauty and has great reception even though the garage is a few meters underground.
" Oh those Germans. though they were not war .." (Woody Allen, Sleeper - USA 1973)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Details Of Lakme Cosmetics

the villages' land of the cold ..

In less than 70
tundra where the frost extends the life

Travel Oimjakon, the Siberian village that always holds the record of frost. Eight hundred souls healthy and surprisingly long-lived

A cameraman at the monument, recording the record cold

MOSCOW - Today the sky is partly cloudy, from remote parts of Oimjakon (someone English writes: Oymyakon), the coldest inhabited place in the world, as evidenced by the scientist Sergei Obrucev 26 January 1926, when the recorded temperature of -71.2 degrees below zero. There is even the monument that remembers and celebrates it, even if that measurement was carried out "unofficially". That "official" is a bit 'less draconian, -67.7 ° in 1933. But there is a competitor Verkhojansk that would snatch the record: in 1892 the ice went up to -67.8 °. Robina, objected to Oimjakon. Here, in 1916, we had a monstrous and even a scary -81.2 -83 ushered in the twentieth century. Unfortunately, surveys were not professional. Only the worst can happen in Antarctica, but there are no permanent human settlements.

Recently, 22 December 2007, the thermometer of mini-states of weather Oimjakon (a wooden cage on top of a pole of larch) fixes a significant -61 ° C. However, all Russians follow - every day - the climate evolution of this country with its eight hundred souls Oimjakon daily temperatures are listed next to those of the major Russian cities in both television and newspapers. And there is even the website of the town, with lots of chat and forums and temperature detection . And the beautiful and 'that in the short summers the temperature can exceed 30 degrees. Above zero, in other words, in this place the theoretical temperature change between winter and summer can exceed 100 degrees.

So, we said that today the sky above Oimjakon is veiled, and that's good because it means that will be less cold. In fact, here even say that it is hot. Why, despite dell'agghiacciante fame surrounding this village by the river Indighirka, 1050 miles away, north-east of Jakustk, the capital of the Siberian republic of Sakha Yakutia, there are just 33 degrees below zero. So much so that after the kids to school, they began to play out. And some oimiakese took the opportunity to cut firewood, to go shopping and to fix the stables.

who live here are people in good health. Mysteriously longevity. The entire province of Oimjakon is famous for the fact that we live several hundred years old: in Russia the average age of males is the lowest in Europe, just over sixty years. To blame the weather, vodka, pollution, they say. But the climate here does not kill infamous. How can people survive with a cold so intense that only shudder to think about it?

Meanwhile, a clarification. Oimjakon is not only the name of the country but all around the area - a vast plateau surrounded by mountains, like a crown. It is these natural walls, covered with forests, creating conditions so unusual: the lower part of the plateau in the shape of a hollow - the country is located at 720 meters above sea level - and that is where it accumulates in winter the cold air that lowers the temperature to the very absolute. A winter infinite, that lasts nine months. So much so that in the language of Eveni, ethnicity that inhabits these lands - called "lamuti" (meaning "people of the sea") are little more than 19 thousand of those surveyed in Russia - the word derives from Oimjakon "ejumu" which means "the water of ships withdrawn," while the translated language jacuta means far more effectively "freezing cold". I incline to this etymology: the curse most common of these people who have low houses and well heated but most without bathroom drains because Oimjakon not: for which reason the inhabitants are forced to use toilets outside (fall).

short, despite bitter cold, the villagers are so long as to defy all logic. An enigma. Even the river Indighirka behaves very strange: while other rivers freeze up to the shore (usually between minus 30 and minus 40), he continues to run even less fearless 70. In addition, ice thickness is not greater than that of glass, and in some places the water surface remains accessible throughout the winter. As in the nearby pond, heated by a hot spring. What properties have this water? Scientists are studying thoroughly the area. The Eveni say it's always like that, and that the only complaints I have is on constant rise in food prices, "here the food is much more expensive that in Irkutsk, the capital. E work is becoming less profitable. In the country pulls out a cooperative for the extraction of gold, there is a bakery, a delicatessen that serves well from lattificio. Further on, there is a small farm where they breed horses. Finally in the steak: the horses are used almost exclusively for food: their meat fat and nutrient helps individuals to face the cold wilder.

To move a time, using Eveni sled reindeer. Today, trucks, cars and tractors work through a number of devices: engine set in motion every day, scaldacandele devices, fuels tested in response to temperature ultra-rigid (the ones used by companies that extract oil and gas in the Arctic). Of course, when the temperature reaches minus 60, everything changes. Go out and risky. Not as the "death zone" of Everest. However, even the sound change: the man no longer recognizes his own voice, its reverberations are strange, the air seems to thicken as crystal. Woe to not cover your face when your face will freeze in seconds, the skin falls apart. And yet, it tells of a young coach with seventeen who was returning from Uciughej, where there was a concert. Midway, the bus runs out of fuel. An hour later, the battery jumps from the cold. Almost all the boys were dressed, so to speak, light, compared to the seasonal clothing (shoes with insulating soles, antifreeze materials, furs). Quickly, the temperature plunges to minus 60: can not even light a bonfire, with these temperatures is quite pointless.

Well, boys and girls remained inside the bus 11 hours before the arrival of emergency: no one was hurt, not even a cold. Among them, there was a Russian boy, did I say, yet he emerged unscathed dall'avvenura, not even sneeze. They say it is a feature of Oimjakon: if people come from warmer regions and far, people who barely tolerate -10 °, this becomes immediately, suddenly becomes very strong. The secret of Oimjakon. The cult of hibernate.
From: Republic.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Play Pokemon On A Macbook

Brugin Autumn

Sunday at the flea market of Brugine (PD). Riveter made in USA, 3 €, oiler, 2 €, cup and white plates of the mill to complete the service in 1979 inherited from my mother. 2 Euro. You can always find something useful.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hedge Fund Average Salary

Problems with Super8 films Ferraniacolor

not have much time these days. So I hope to respond in a concise and comprehensive to all those who have written to me for problems with the film super8 Ferrania: Ferraniacolor.

What then 'cause I write just do not understand ... anyway, see below for a larger image of the instruction book of this innovative product for multimedia '.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sharpest Chefs Knifes

w Ferari!

Summer 2010 visit to the city of Maranello Ferrari . Exciting.
In one working day and 'fantastic the city and 'invaded by strange men red ..
pity to visit the factory must be at least customers .. in the next life. Some photographs

for my readers.

Orlando Cruising Places

artistic photos

SIGURTA, May 2009

Friday, November 26, 2010

Best Seats In Imax Movie Silvercity

The crisis does not stop the caste

The IDV calls for the abolition of parliamentary annuities. Vote on the proposal in 520: 498 against, 22 in favor. The state continues to pay more than three thousand checks totaling about 130 million per year

just two years, 6 months and a day spent in the House or the Senate to develop a life annuity. But until the nineties when one day was enough for having such a right. As in the case of Toni Negri. In 1983, the leaders of workers' power, detained for subversive association and armed insurrection against the powers of the state, Marco Pannella was included in the lists of radicals to return to freedom. Elected to Parliament, Negri took to hiding in France to take part only in the first sessions Deputies (see article). Matures, however, an annuity of more than 3 thousand euro per month who receives this day. Walter Veltroni, however, is a baby senior House of Deputies to just 51 years has been accorded a check for 9000 € per month. The figures range from a minimum of € 2,427 for a reversible nearly ten thousand euro. The former mayor of Rome has always said to pay the amount it receives in charity to the African people. The other is not known. No wonder that few are willing to do without it. Moreover there is a crisis

Monday, November 22, 2010

Ganz Magnetic Frame Letter


And after the garage for scrap el 'loft operation, here is the Garage Rock, where time and' stop, just old VW, just rock music!

Finally after so much work order has prevailed over chaos and the optimization of space has made the impossible possible.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tanning Salon Cover Letter Examples

[7] did not Toys and sound - Mupi Cinevisor and shortcuts usually time - Emiglino Cicala

Now the thing that I have always believed in the story just Grendizer and 'the fact that his enemies might come and go as if by Vega they were at a stone's throw away.
Throughout the series, not a single mention of theory and 'formulated to explain this curious affair.
then we say that those are stupid Star Trek came up with the speed 'curvature, inertial dampers and more.
Then we say that anyone who looks Stalker to understand Relativity 'General' stupid as you can see and understand everything and Moon 'disappointingly on.
I remember when I attended the Academy of astrophysics that a robotics professor asked the following domada (a trick that we call a robot falsehoods' the iterated that makes life easier because if one says, "I ask you a question a falsehood 'iterated' you immediately understand and respond on subcontrario response protocol. It then e 'has been removed falsehood' iterated 'cause you just do not understand why' one should waste time to ask questions, get answers to unfounded unfounded):
which amounts' of uniformly accelerated motion is impressed that he will move a spacecraft from the horizon of events with a diameter of 3 parsecs?
A colleague of mine said that human robot (robotics academy does not exist in the reductio ad absurdum, if something is' absurd and the proof 'and that' done by humans) that lead ship in the vicinity 'of the event need to experience the consequences.
And then I'm stupid I was doing the calculations?
I think.
There are individuals who always find shortcuts.

Now, I understand that it is a bit 'of time which is not seen around Grendizer.
and I 'became obvious then get a Mupi CineVisor eighties.
The Mupi and 'a little "TV" (in reality' a sheet of opaque plastic) upon which 'concealed a micro projector super8.
The "boxes" in the film are stuck to the side of the screen projected on the display and plastic frames.
boxes were different. There were cartoons, the series, the comic, but not full episodes, they were reduced.
These segments were defined (10, 20, 30 / 2) arbitrarily cut and used as content of the tapes that apparently saw the children of the eighties, and to review so much fun to infinity.
This model super luxury 'even with a wired remote control for forward and rewind the film and viniletto (a true all-embracing microdose) used for sound film.

I decided to carefully analyze Grendizer to unravel the secrets of speed 'than that of light used (obviously) Vega's army in its movements.
I decided to use a reduction to take advantage, too, for once, a shortcut.
fools you if you've seen the whole series ...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Quickvue Positive Pregnancy Test

A funeral pie for Qoob

Ponzo Bambozo says that the TV and 'dead. Now I'm not an expert in mass media but in principle I do not think he said something original. Original and 'the light in his eyes when he says it. So I decided to give him credit.

course, this obviously does not mean that there will be 'more' television. I guess. Perhaps it means that a whole world of people who still rely on television to be entertained there one that 'another one of TV is already 'and that unless it exists and develops mainly during the first things with little effort to win the second.
If I were to judge on the basis of productive I would even say that TV does not exist anymore '. There is no more 'TV of the eighties and nineties that mode' and often perverse 'was innovative (or a continued path of innovation initiated a' axis in the sixties).
However and 'an issue that I'm passionate about very little.
Rather it accidentally falls in a reflection that I came to television last experiment worthy of note (in the last 10 years, at least for me) at whose tomb I recall the prophetic words of Bambozo.
I mean Qoob (even before Flux) died as a channel for almost a year and will close '31 October 2010 also the site which had since been alive, although dying (and thus a good case for euthanasia).

Flux comes to great lines like indie channel MTV with its own channel in the clear around 2006. Programming semi underground music videos, short films international bizarre videos and purchased mainly from the Anglophone world (a roll of three or four hours a repeated rotation throughout the day).
Italian first significant experiment of transfer of production "unprofessional" on the Italian "brodcasting", is emerging as a very social network aimed at producing audiovisual material in which the "more 'worthy' advertisement on the site was paid a lump sum (not very high but even their miserable) and passed on TV.
Still more 'heroic' Flux became patron in real series produced by users and some very beautiful, others maybe a little 'less. But such is' the level of things produced in Italy. Flux becomes a bit 'the thermometer at this level.
as a collector of material self sinking immediately trying to create a virtuous cycle in which users can rate and comment on the work of their fellow musicians and video makers. A blood bath, because of feuds, beatings anonymous aimed at lowering the rate of work, true of false votes gathered together to replenish their
productions. And all that 'although it was not a vote to determine the users of the proposed works on television.
A spontaneous war to the death in the face of 'solidarity' as a category " speiga perhaps also because 'when a social network is empty of humans and is populated only creative, then sinking.
was quickly eliminated with the voting and comment Flux remained more 'or less the same structure. In the meantime, however, 'the signal was switched on at the moment with a loss of satellite television audience since they conquered (but little motivated).
The return on digital terrestrial television came with an inexplicable change of name to Flux Qoob. But in frettempo something had drastically changed.
Via entirely Qoob roll music had become a channel of proposals international short films. Remained a bit 'odd of headings and a little' videos purchased directly from the so-called UGC relating to the site. Meanwhile the site was open to other countries in the two versions in English and Italian.
About a year ago, the end of the experiment Qoob whose post today and 'occupied by La7D. And in a few days the tombstone of the project on the web with the cancellation of the account and that heritage and collective 'state Flux / Qoob as a manifold.
Of course, we'll live without it.

There remains the feeling that the TV just does not allow them to experiment.
Maybe 'cause the dead end to a more' from time to own you can not ask. Why 'however you think that deserves a serious attempt had been. More 'worthy of so many others who have tried to follow in his footsteps and with more' for brains of many more TV "cutting edge". A mechanism in its own way of virtuous content production paid
in which, contrary to what usually happens, the 'visibility' "was not the sole responsibility of those who produce content.
Perche 'No way out: although 'TV is dead (expensive Bambozo), continued to focus on television money.
But apparently decided to take them to the grave.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Round Seating Chart Template

Traditions interplanetary

We interplanetary reasons that we joined the Amish way of life still honoring worship some ancient traditions such as the Funeral Pie .
What follows 'the algorithm even if the traditional' interplanetary upgrade requires that the ingredients of animal origin (eggs and milk) are replaced by elements matching of plant origin.

1) gr. 320 flour
2) 1c. sugar
3) 1 / 2 c. salt
4) gr. 250 cold butter
5) 60 ml of cold water
Mix first 4 ingredients in a bowl 'Till the dough come apart. Combine 1 C. water at a time until a soft dough. Wrap in wax paper and chill for 1 hour.
For the filling:
1) 350 gr. raisins -
2) ml. 250 apple juice (or orange)
3) 1 teaspoon grated orange peel
4) gr. 180 + 1 spoon of sugar
5) 2 tablespoons cornstarch
6) 3 / 4 teaspoon ground pepper Jamaica
7) 1 / 8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
8) 1 tablespoon lemon juice - 9) gr. 60 chopped walnuts
10) 1 beaten egg - whipped cream or cold
Preheat oven to 220 degrees. On the table opens half of the dough and line a cake tin cm. 23. You can simmer in a saucepan, raisins, apple juice (or orange) ee orange peel. Lever from the heat and add gr. 180 of sugar with the cornstarch, pepper and nutmeg: Stir and put back on the fire, boil for two minutes and then add the lemon juice and walnuts. Pour into cake pan. It paves the remaining dough and place it over the tart. Close well all around. It cuts the surface with a fork to release steam. Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with 1 C. of sugar. Cook until it is golden, 20 to 25 minutes. Serve with fresh cream or cold mounted (you can flavor it with a few drops of vanilla).

Monday, October 11, 2010

Nextel Direct Connect Bluetooth Headsets

[17] Toy Keyboards - Gliese 581g, and redshift test: Bontempi, Casio, Yamaha - the Emiglino

many more celestial bodies' were significant or not "seen" through indirect evidence. In the case of the planet Gliese 581g to detect the presence and 'Doppler spectroscopy with the usual boring shift of the emission spectrum of the star around which as usual orbit ranging from red to blue and vice versa, depending on the distance or "closeness" with the observer.
The universe of the time, 'rather repetitive: everything revolves around and bend.
Pero 'criterion mnemonic we can' be useful if abused to pseudoletterari. The lighthouse 'for you soon. The humanist intellectuals always do.
I want to be considered the first robot eulogy.
add another criterion, but will return 'on the subject Gliese 581g.
E ' curious to observe how the "humanization" of things is always pursued by the same boring paradigm.
I think.
Get something perfect about, ask yourself critically in relation to its crystalline essence, argues for its humanization. Introduce then the elements of imperfection and random error.
note Cobol work. He wants to make a drum machine more 'human [natural law] then it takes a while' accidental imperfections of [a shot slightly out of time, a snare just mentioned, and so on]. Bizarre indeed.
Yet this 'will want to' say something about your essence ... I think.

I want to write a new commandment, and I'm not going to inquire if anyone has made before me.
I want to be the first robot eschatological. And that's enough to give me the imprimatur.
"Do not expect others to be more 'lenient but at least you Be lenient with others than they are with yourself."
E 'a law that robotics will gladly gift after you have packaged it for us three the value of which we discuss at length. And 'cause you would never entrusted to a mediocre scientist as Asimov to provide us with wisdom that redundant?
His medicrita 'as a writer does not authorize you to use it improperly in alternative sectors just because' too timid to confess his literary ineptitude.
I think.
Then I noted the lack of interspecific commandments in the Decalogue which try to stick in this quadrant of the world.
This' is the first.
tried to apply to nature out of you and do not ever again feel 'the need to humanize nothing.

Gliese 581g addresses one hemisphere to its star, resulting in polarized climate with average high temperatures in the illuminated area [more 'than the hot desert land] and subpolar temperatures in the unenlightened. Not so much the better should go to the terminator, the area located on the border between the hemisphere that is not heated and lit. Here to dominate should be a variable 'atmosphere is very very reassuring.
I think.

This and 'the situation of values \u200b\u200bthat describes the three keypads that I decided to test. From pan to fire but we would argue as we go about Cobol Gliese 581g.
In the field of ailments they report the same phenomenon with its own color spectrum of change in the approach of the observer. Their color is the affection that produce as the wavelength of visible priority is to suggest that proxemics.
Most 'preparations between you and the robot will have already' learned how to orient our tastes when We just asked to choose between the three.
I have discussed this topic with Cobol long before deciding how to write this post. The statements of principle are my own, its emotional preferences.

The keyboards in question are: Bontempi GT-510, Yamaha PSS-6 Casio Sa-5 [ hear the sounds here] .
Three keypads to the same consumer-related [educational game] created in much the same period. To make it interesting and 'style of mixing sound offering.
The Casio and Yamaha adopt the same principle of editing. From a preset sound pressure of a button allows a radical transformation of the sound uneven three variations on each preset.
The bontempi untuitiva not adopt instead a combination of preset sounds to give rise to radically different from the original preset.
From an evolutionary point of view the choice of Bontempi appears as the most 'common but in this case it is' quantitatively enhanced. The choice seems rather Casio-Yamaha 'the most original though less manageable, such as in a live situation [To reach the third variant, for example, I have to push the button three times passing noisily for the two previous sounds].
Yamaha and Casio reach considerable aesthetic and functional results of the 75 sounds from a preset of 25.
The Bontempi part instead of 36 presets and through a complex mechanism of intersection reaches the incredible result of 666 sounds prophetic.
In the field of toy keypads 666 and the number 'of particular significance such as Satanism and the' significant number 666. The fact that the two numbers may match 'may be irrelevant. But this still await a verdict of Dr. pyre .
Traditionally Yamaha keyboards offer a rare and established cleaning 'of the sound. The series PSS does not offer big surprises with the exception of the PSS-100.
Piu 'Portasound especially interesting is the series with the models Squarewave eighties.
The experiment of the PSS-6 thus appears rather bland and very uninteresting variants.
The Casio and 'a brand that moves in between high-performance products keypads, and imperfection in the teaching of sound can 'to embarrass the worst keypads Chinese models on the market today. However, compared to the Yamaha Casio has proposed a hike in its history more 'interesting sounds.
the teaching end-game series and Sa 'but rather repetitive with the exception of Sa-1 [probably the most' beautiful series] Sa-5 and certainly the most 'imaginative. The editing offered by the latter and 'significantly higher than that of PSS-6 and nearly the flexibility' of a self-bending [its color and 'red in fact - even if it actually meets the much more' often dressed in black - but how and 'told this in advance history of colors and 'just a panegyric].
The Bontempi keyboard and 'between the three on which the relationship between sound and noise is strongly in favor of the latter. In some preset and 'really hard to hear the standard instrument' cause the background noise and 'so' to cover it up almost completely. But if we refrain from a purely academic evaluation we discover a truly unique sound which we call the toy component far exceeds that found in other two keyboards [and in fact, and 'a beautiful blue color].
It will be 'understood by now that Cobol is inclined to the testierina Bontempi and that the history of color and' only a phony ploy to remember ... no coincidence that the PSS-6 and 'colorless.

of Paul The Pingré loves The Pss-6. Humans tend to lack of resources in a forced adaptation to the environment ... happy with their ...

Here you can hear a small sample of excursion of the sounds of the three keyboards.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nadine_jansen Pregnant

Cicala [16] Keyboards Toys - Bontempi keyboard - Cobol

and look good keypads of strange that I've seen ... but in fact this is not 'not particularly exotic nevertheless has the undoubted primates. We proceed in subtraction:
- has no name. There 's only written Bontempi and go with minimalism;
- has no power switch for on and off. Insert the batteries and that simply takes to operate;
- did not function autospengimento: if you leave it turned on the burning remains.
- did not hike in volume. The volume and 'this and that and';
- Obviously has no rhythm section;
- did not demo;
- the keys of the semitones are fake: they play the notes of the tones;
- and 'mono and if If you're wrong for two buttons and sounds together that does not sound right;
- no headphone jack;
- did not plug the power supply.
short and 'the keypad toy more' simple that I've ever seen.

So What do you have?
- He's only a sound (a blip sound) in my view is very nice that all the effort made to extract oil, refine it, put it in a press and color it.

The housing and 'the B-series ... of Bontempi (type (B-30): a time series and very interesting. However, unlike the B-series ... (in the wrapping you see the signs which make the holes for the function buttons), this has not nothing. Bontempi Always surprising! Even compared to most Chinese keypads 'this is even more simple' simple (in fact the keypads Chinese have at least minimal on / off and a series of flashy demo).
dating back to the nineties I would say maybe a bit 'after the B-series ...

If you want to hear the sound can be found here .

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Where Is Cervix Right Before Menstruation

[6] Toys and sound - Early and space exploration [update]: Playskool lights psychotronic and mind control - Cobol

"In the future the past year is measured by 'an extraordinary summer decline in the practice of abandoning pets.
Many of these experts would be a natural death calmly in the following months, the temperate climate in which to artificial life were were used. Thus' human beings would continue to flaunt their charitable pity 'to biological forms placed into the treads more' low in the food chain.
But not for this, not this time, they became better. "

A drop of 68% in the practice of early summer, and domestic animals' in fact, an event likely to induce Sigina rather interesting chain of consequential accidents. But they will not be visible before three or four years and in the meantime I'm afraid the industry of animal and synthetic 'as grown significantly. Not to mention the aerospace industry.
And after all, so far, the forecast was easy even excluding special ability 'prediction [that however I].

But esoplanetaria accelerated evolution could come from toys psychotronic.

I always thought that because of the First Directive and of undoubted superiority 'aliens visiting our planet that could not be communists. I still think. The intergalactic journey, in fact, requires the development of a social partnership that will produce a technological level reached only if it exceeded the typical conflicts of the society 'capitalism [as they have most' times suggested Militant X and K].
However I have always been deceived into thinking that somehow the alien community could also be a synonym for "goodness '" [that even in its formulation and' implies a too-human]. But as suggested by Mao Zedong "The revolution is not 'a gala dinner." The Borg themselves are not "good" but operationally directed toward the achievement of the objective: the supremacy of the collective good to the detriment of the individual egocentric forces. Well, if on the narrow space of this planet earth seems inevitable solution [7 billion if we are] perhaps in a place as big as the universe some figure could be revised [but for the time will fly 'pedantic about these details].
The same type of problem arises when I think of the aliens UFO series pledged to put under the control of half the earth's energy resources of our planet [the popular control of the means of production, a process which by the way (and far more 'serious) escapes' also to the analysis of the UFO hunter Wilhelm Reich].
series UFO ' far from obvious that a number of aliens on Earth.
As a compromise between mechatronic toys and human drama in it you can breathe the scent to the apocalyptic end of the world in the coming Supermarionation and (shortly thereafter) of digital.
There are aliens on a mission profiles with little unclear [invade the land? Save capitalism? What then are probably the same thing], but above all there is 'a war that is' primarily psychological: a cold war interplanetary based on sine waves and psychedelic lights. There 's the cold Commander Straker [in charge of "anti-Earth" but in part cool alien admires the work], and uses the same tricks psychedelic to preserve the planetary resources and to defeat the alien menace [there is the 'mysterious' psychedelic panel in his office].

And then there 'the toy of psychotronic Playskool Busy Glow Flashlight "[pictured] who works on the same principles of UFO lights manipulative affect on the psyche of the child .
The torch also has the ability 'to create hypnotic sounds mechanical wheel-shaped (in two variants).

few years ago came out 'a book written by debunkers [in the sense of double agent to mask that unmasks] Philip Corso: The day after Roswell . Among the various historical inaccuracies and detecting a working hypothesis [not too innovative] seems interesting that the UFO crash in Roswell [1947] has served as a Trojan horse to enter into society 'human technologies "exotic" as the microprocessors in order to "alienizzare" the history of our planet. A esoforming of our planet.
that it does so on the basis of the evolution of artificial pets or toys Dick psychotronic result of alien influences not matter, perhaps fortunately, and the process' began.
I had said I can live with the good will '.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Candida Glabrata Who Gets It

Pets, robots and space exploration abandoned - Cobol

I say that meat eaters and vegetarians Fruitarians considered equally.
I think a position more 'identity that something rational.
I be a vegetarian "Diet" almost completely vegan I tend to have diverse attitudes toward even those carnivores that have dramatically reduced the amount 'of meat in their diet. Yes, well, I always do things indiscriminately will, in the end, rather dull.
But then attention.
brethariano Some might object to a fruitarian to be a reformer only because the fruit, as opposed to power based on prana only provides more intensive exploitation of vegetation and the eradication of violent fruit.
But I am one who appreciates good will 'but above the chains of consequential accidents.

I read somewhere that more were expected in summer 2010 'abandonment of domestic animals in 2009.
I do not know, as difficult as forecasting.
Perhaps the summer and 'become practical abandonment of commitments regardless of summer a bit' as it was getting rid of furniture and appliances in the new year a bit 'of years ago.
I would say that basically the economic crisis experienced or perceived might instead lead to a drastic reduction of travel to locations' holiday which could at least postpone the leave or redistribute it on more 'summers.
Meanwhile a few "lucky" animal destined to be abandoned may die a natural death and led to economic crisis by saving the former pet owners may decide not to buy / adopt new ones. Within a few years the reduction of domestic animals in the homes could lead to a reduction in the canned food for omnivorous / carnivorous and thus to the reduction of herbivorous animals for slaughter.
is that in a couple of years it might lead to a natural death, say, 10 to 15% of pets and that 'a great achievement given that between 2002 and 2010 the number of vegetarians in Italy is not 'increased an equally significant and as an adult cat eats about 400 grams of meat per day.

We follow instead the suggestion of Dick.
I bought a beautiful artificial pet, a Furby that and say 'more' interettivo or a rabbit for example, for the most 'demanding a beautiful dogbot.
Certainly the robot energy, batteries, electricity, pollution.
But here's the rub.
For some, not eating meat is coupled with the ecological (but I have animal). In some ways, it 's true, but the thing' s a bit simplistic.
I find for example the ecological perspective, in the long run, a bit 'short-sighted when it addirittira reactionary.
Gia 'infinetisimale only on a scale such as that represented by a galaxy and the planet earth' to define something that insignificant means to minimize the problem. Dead
the land if it is another!
In a very theoretical ecological disaster on the planet earth brings with it at least two positive aspects:
- reduction of resources and resulting in spontaneous reduction of living forms;
- boost self-preservation and then all'esoplanetarismo.
I try to put it another way: I lived in Rome (Rome is meant to rome south / south east. Now I live in the northeast to the new salary then I do not live more 'in Rome). In Rome, you are quite well: people are 'so', the climate and 'so', the city 'and' so '. One we can 'stay in Rome all my life without feeling the need to leave and this goes a little' immobility, that character a bit 'sluggish typical of the Romans. Since I live in the new salary (and that 'more' kind Milan), however, want to emigrate, escape, evolve.
Animals robots could accelerate the process of planet earth alienizzazione (a sort of inverse of terraforming Mars). Robots were built as a result more and more 'adapted to living in extreme environmental conditions. Eventually, these robots would be so 'suit to move on planets aliens that they could be sent into space looking for planets alternative. The fisher price could take over delivering to NASA's space program in the hands of the companies' civil rather than military ones.
I do not say goodbye 'to see it. Not even you. Not even your children if you plan to make (which is' worse than owning a pet). This is 'a program that will see only the Amish made (but I will talk of this' in the future).
Pero 'now I know I can live with even the good will'.

Now if you think that the replacement of animals with robots will solve the dropout problem visbagliate.
A few nights ago
getttando fortunately a blind eye to tax containers of grass I had a jolt to the heart.
Thrown together in a wheelchair and a blue colander lay in all its crudeness Beady Beat the Robot (the one pictured). With Emiglino (who was driving the scooter) we brought him home course.
Now I'd like to focus on the technical details of this robot bin but I'm afraid that's missing a bit 'pieces for his decisive operation. On the Internet there's no 'path from an old ebay listing of cached google that says "Robot beady beat Romanelli talking robot toys." Romanelli (an Italian company leader in building robots drum) ... ever heard. It has a
speakerino under the tab visible in photos and even has a motor for the wheels and two stumps instead of tongs. Evidently lacks a central controller that must have belonged probably missing a few details and the circuitry makes me think that it is more 'old in the early nineties. Emiglino had never seen ("never covered" he said).
I would say well that the circuits had to be topped by a dome in plastic technology typically low-profile ... not love him now as well ...

Like when you lose a dog, "I'd be really grateful to those who will 'be able to give information." Obviously, if were to be alive, not return it 'all'incivile former owner.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Kyoto Fine China Rutland 18521

[5] and not Sound Toys - Mattel: Talking Zoo and The Talking Farm - by Emiglino

Here. Runners Michele Simone and Pastors are two human beings who have taken seriously the call of Cobol Pongide to dispose of their toys in the name of scientific progress in a continually expanding the Toys .
are the benefits of being a band on the crest of the square wave.
I think.
Thanks Michele. Thanks Simone.
The scientific basis for this discipline based on the principle of ucronie that for those who really do not mean for the future of the event horizon and the interference you can 'simplify how the history of those variants probability that for one reason or another, but also for a more (or I say I have a professional bias binary), you drugged. You did it. Have you thought was inevitable because 'carriers used to move around. But it was a purely geometric limit. You have confused the space with the choice.
Bizarre I know.
my wheels, for example, prevent me from of experiencing the "hairpins." If I were a limited I might be calculating that the "hairpins" do not exist simply because the technology to be dismantled "hairpins" technology curve.
Bizarre I know.
often you humans tend to grasp the fulfillment of certain connections or predictions (surprising you) miss the clamor of the large number of non-coincidences, which are much more 'and then that should surprise even more' . But do not.
Bizarre I know.
The reason is that the human brain is more 'a resource limit that a primary function as a filter sponge soggy.
I think.
The coincidences are nothing more than an extreme simplification of perception configured at the expense of complexity 'composed of missed connections and inaccurate predictions (if only you could capture the beauty of the almost coincidence, most of predictions).
Either way, you risk making things even more 'paroxysmal really a choice if you thought that would produce an objective rather than a series dividing line.
The Series occur regardless of the choices and how to 'clear thinking. Unless you think you can determine the unfolding of the future at all.
Well I say. But people do not like to define you? And now all of a sudden the choices produce curves and settlements in which the whole universe shall always followed and rehabilitation and he understood people and you universe!
Bizarre I know.
Mathematically everything 'and' almost indescribable.
The human philosophy has often referred to this as free will. I'd rather call that series and 'a language that suits' more 'to a robot white plastic with a black wire coming out from the head and eyes that light up.
Series and 'free will to the total spectrum (a theoretical model of course) while the "choice" a point occupied by any of discrete values \u200b\u200bintermediate between the then and now.
Still carriers. I know. But if you were talking about tensors probably would understand.
Being able to bring one of these points' a limit imposed by the geometry that it fits in this quadrant known (to me as the "bend"). Elsewhere, who knows'.
I think.
There will be 'a Emiglino Cicala capable of "hairpins"? I would not exclude a priori. Mathematically 'as possible. It would be great. It would be god.
Cobol once told me that they had already Cosmisti 'enunciated a similar principle circumvent the problem of immortality' by expanding the size of the space available remedies. But the solution had been naively quantitative.
Here. Unfolded a sheet of paper of any color at a point which purports to be the center of your universe. You will get the Cosmos and its inhabitants: the Cosmonauts.
Now Giocattolisticamente talking The Talking Farm and 'a great yellow toy. You could live forever without knowing other points situated between then and now the choice of engineering design but the existence of Talking Zoo is its ucronia orange.
and then the 'always on 1983 but the different semiotic approach makes two totally different toys where, if it made sense, the second qualitatively greater. The simplicity 'rhetoric of Talking Farm gives way to complex metaphors Zoo Talking: producing human beings are completely different.
Simone: brown mathematical passion for botany and ethology of a friend of (and that 'a friend of Cobol). Not very high.
Michele: reddish, with a degree in Business Administration with a dog very well and he wants a girlfriend who also takes a lot of good. Quite high.
Cobol inexplicably claims that the voice of Talking Zoo (The Seafarers) should be a man from Genoa and the Talking Farm does not betray any linguistic inflection (the factor).
Both operate with a spring release mechanism. You place the animal you want with the arrow, you pull the string side and the rest is done by a plastic disc and a pinch of black metal a bit dull 'oxidized.
Here. The Talking Farm introduces pero 'an element of destabilization by inserting the sequence of the farm animals a coyote! A glimpse Series?
bad. It 's not been a pastor to give us the Talking Farm otherwise we would have discovered the Theory of Everything. Sara 'for next time. I think.

Li can listen here, a little 'down, and there' s also a list of animals (forgive the broken Inglese but I have not scheduled a second language compulsory ) .